Source code for

.. module:: CClassifierSecSVM
   :synopsis: Secure Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier

.. moduleauthor:: Battista Biggio <>
.. moduleauthor:: Marco Melis <>

from secml.array import CArray
from secml.core.constants import inf
from import CClassifierSVM
from import convert_binary_labels

[docs]class CClassifierSecSVM(CClassifierSVM): """Secure Support Vector Machine (Sec-SVM) classifier. This implements the secure classifier from: Demontis et al. "Yes, machine learning can be more secure! a case study on android malware detection." IEEE TDSC 2017. Parameters ---------- ub : scalar or None, optional Upper bound of the weights. If None (default), no bound is applied. idx_ub : CArray or None, optional If CArray, the upper bound is only applied to the weights indicized by `idx_ub`. If None (default), the bound is applied to all weights. lb : scalar or None, optional Lower bound of the weights. If None (default), no bound is applied. idx_lb : CArray or None, optional If CArray, the lower bound is only applied to the weights indicized by `idx_ub`. If None (default), the bound is applied to all weights. eta : scalar, optional Step of the gradient descent. Default 0.5. max_it : int, optional Maximum number of iterations of the gradient descent. Default 1e4. eps : scalar, optional Tolerance of the stop criterion of the gradient descent. Default 1e-4. *args, **kwargs Other paramters from :class:`CClassifierSVM`. Attributes ---------- class_type : 'sec-svm' """ __class_type = 'sec-svm' def __init__(self, ub=inf, idx_ub=None, lb=-inf, idx_lb=None, eta=0.5, max_it=1e4, eps=1e-4, *args, **kwargs): # Calling standard CClassifierSVM constructor super(self.__class__, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Training parameters self.eta = eta self.max_it = max_it self.eps = eps # Gradient bounds if (CArray(ub) < CArray(lb)).any(): raise ValueError("Upper bounds should be higher then lower bounds") self._ub = ub self._idx_ub = idx_ub if idx_ub is not None \ else slice(None, None, None) self._lb = lb self._idx_lb = idx_lb if idx_lb is not None \ else slice(None, None, None) @property def ub(self): """Return value of weight upper bound""" return self._ub @property def lb(self): """Return value of weight lower bound""" return self._lb @property def w(self): """Return the vector of feature weights (only if ckernel is None)""" return self._w @property def b(self): """Return the SVM bias (b term in the decision function)""" return self._b @property def max_it(self): """Maximum number of iteration for the training.""" return self._max_it @max_it.setter def max_it(self, value): """Maximum number of iteration for the training.""" self._max_it = int(value) @property def eta(self): """Eta parameter for the training gradient.""" return self._eta @eta.setter def eta(self, value): """Eta parameter for the training gradient.""" self._eta = float(value) @property def eps(self): """Precision of the stop condition for training.""" return self._eta @eps.setter def eps(self, value): """Precision of the stop condition for training.""" self._eta = float(value)
[docs] def hinge_loss(self, x, y): """Compute the loss term for each point in dataset.""" score = self.decision_function(x, y=1) loss = 1.0 - y * score loss[loss < 0] = 0.0 return loss
[docs] def C_hinge_loss(self, x, y): """Compute the loss term for each point in dataset multiplied by C. If class_weight == 'balanced', it multiplies C to the inverse prob of theclasses. """ loss = self.C * self.hinge_loss(x, y) if self.class_weight == 'balanced': loss[y == -1] = self.weight[0] * loss[y == -1] loss[y == 1] = self.weight[1] * loss[y == 1] return loss
[docs] def gradient_w_b(self, x, y): """ Compute the gradient dloss/dw, where loss is \sum_i max(0, 1-y_i*f(x_i)) """ loss = self.hinge_loss(x, y) # loss(y,f(x)) idx_err_vect = loss > 0 grad_b = -self.C * y[idx_err_vect].sum() grad_loss = CArray.zeros(x.shape[1]) if (idx_err_vect * (y < 0)).any(): grad_loss += x[idx_err_vect * (y <= 0), :].sum( axis=0, keepdims=False) if (idx_err_vect * (y > 0)).any(): grad_loss -= x[idx_err_vect * (y > 0), :].sum( axis=0, keepdims=False) grad_w = self.w + self.C * grad_loss return grad_w, grad_b
[docs] def objective(self, x, y): """Objective function.""" return 0.5 * + self.C_hinge_loss(x, y).sum()
def _fit(self, x, y): """Trains the One-Vs-All SVM classifier. Parameters ---------- x : CArray Array to be used for training with shape (n_samples, n_features). y : CArray Array of shape (n_samples,) containing the class labels (2-classes only). Returns ------- CClassifierSecSVM Trained classifier. """ if self.n_classes != 2: raise ValueError( "Trying to learn an SVM on more/less than two classes.") y = convert_binary_labels(y) if self.class_weight == 'balanced': n_pos = y[y == 1].shape[0] n_neg = y[y == -1].shape[0] self.weight = CArray.zeros(2) self.weight[0] = 1.0 * n_pos / (n_pos + n_neg) self.weight[1] = 1.0 * n_neg / (n_pos + n_neg) self._w = CArray.zeros(x.shape[1]) self._b = CArray(0.0) obj = self.objective(x, y) obj_new = obj for i in range(self.max_it): # pick a random sample subset idx = CArray.randsample( CArray.arange(x.shape[0], dtype=int), x.shape[0], random_state=i) # compute subgradients grad_w, grad_b = self.gradient_w_b(x[idx, :], y[idx]) for p in range(0, 71, 10): step = (self.eta ** p) * 2 ** (-0.01 * i) / (x.shape[0] ** 0.5) self._w -= step * grad_w self._b -= step * grad_b # Applying UPPER bound d_ub = self.w[self._idx_ub] d_ub[d_ub > self._ub] = self._ub self.w[self._idx_ub] = d_ub # Applying LOWER bound d_lb = self.w[self._idx_lb] d_lb[d_lb < self._lb] = self._lb self.w[self._idx_lb] = d_lb obj_new = self.objective(x, y) if obj_new < obj: break if abs(obj_new - obj) < self.eps:"i {:}: {:}".format(i, obj_new)) # Sparse weights if input is sparse (like in CClassifierSVM) self._w = self.w.tosparse() if x.issparse else self.w return obj = obj_new if i % 10 == 0: loss = self.hinge_loss(x, y).sum() "i {:}: {:.4f}, L {:.4f}".format(i, obj, loss)) # Sparse weights if input is sparse (like in CClassifierSVM) self._w = self.w.tosparse() if x.issparse else self.w