Source code for

.. module:: CClassifierPyTorch
   :synopsis: Generic wrapper for PyTorch classifiers.

.. moduleauthor:: Maura Pintor <>

from functools import reduce

import torch
from torch import nn
import torchvision
from torchvision.models.resnet import BasicBlock
from torchvision.transforms import transforms

from secml.array import CArray
from import CDataLoaderPyTorch
from import CClassifierDNN
from import CSoftmax
from secml.utils import SubLevelsDict, merge_dicts
from import CClassifierGradientMixin

from secml.settings import SECML_PYTORCH_USE_CUDA

use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() and SECML_PYTORCH_USE_CUDA

[docs]def get_layers(net): # TODO remove when dropping support for python 2 layers = list() for name, layer in net._modules.items(): # If it is a sequential, don't return its name # but recursively register all it's module children if isinstance(layer, nn.Sequential) or isinstance(layer, BasicBlock): layers += [(":".join([name, l]), m) for (l, m) in get_layers(layer)] else: layers.append((name, layer)) else: return layers
# TODO and uncomment this # for name, layer in net._modules.items(): # # If it is a sequential, don't return its name # # but recursively register all it's module children # if isinstance(layer, nn.Sequential) or isinstance(layer, BasicBlock): # yield from [(":".join([name, l]), m) for (l, m) in get_layers(layer)] # else: # yield (name, layer)
[docs]class CClassifierPyTorch(CClassifierDNN, CClassifierGradientMixin): """CClassifierPyTorch, wrapper for PyTorch models. Parameters ---------- model: `torch.nn.Module` object to use as classifier loss: loss object from `torch.nn` optimizer: optimizer object from `torch.optim` random_state: int or None, optional random state to use for initializing the model weights. Default value is None. preprocess: preprocessing module. softmax_outputs: bool, optional if set to True, a softmax function will be applied to the return value of the decision function. Note: some implementation adds the softmax function to the network class as last layer or last forward function, or even in the loss function (see torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss). Be aware that the softmax may have already been applied. Default value is False. epochs: int number of epochs for training the neural network. Default value is 10. batch_size: int size of the batches to use for loading the data. Default value is 1. n_jobs: int number of workers to use for data loading and processing. Default value is 1. Attributes ---------- class_type : 'pytorch-clf' """ __class_type = 'pytorch-clf' def __init__(self, model, loss=None, optimizer=None, input_shape=None, random_state=None, preprocess=None, softmax_outputs=False, epochs=10, batch_size=1, n_jobs=1): self._device = self._set_device() self._random_state = random_state super(CClassifierPyTorch, self).__init__(model=model, preprocess=preprocess, input_shape=input_shape, softmax_outputs=softmax_outputs) self._init_model() if self._input_shape is None: # try to infer from first layer first_layer = list(self._model._modules.values())[0] if isinstance(first_layer, torch.nn.Linear): self._input_shape = (first_layer.in_features,) else: raise ValueError( "Input shape should be specified if the first " "layer is not a `nn.Linear` module.") # check softmax redundancy if isinstance(loss, nn.CrossEntropyLoss) and self.check_softmax(): raise ValueError("Please remove softmax redundancy. Either " "use `torch.nn.NLLLoss` or remove softmax " "layer from the network.") self._loss = loss self._optimizer = optimizer if self._optimizer is not None: # check softmax redundancy if self.check_softmax() and softmax_outputs: self.logger.warning( "Softmax layer has been defined in the network. Disabling " "parameter softmax_outputs.") self._softmax_outputs = False else: self._softmax_outputs = softmax_outputs else: self._softmax_outputs = False self._epochs = epochs self._batch_size = batch_size if self._batch_size is None: "No batch size passed. Value will be set to the default " "value of 1.") self._batch_size = 1 self._n_jobs = n_jobs if self._model.__class__.__name__ in dir(torchvision.models): self._trained = True self._classes = CArray.arange( list(self._model.modules())[-1].out_features) self._n_features = reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, self._input_shape) # hooks for getting intermediate outputs self._handlers = [] # will store intermediate outputs from the hooks self._intermediate_outputs = None self._cached_s = None self._cached_layer_output = None @property def loss(self): """Returns the loss function used by classifier.""" return self._loss @property def model(self): """Returns the model used by classifier.""" return self._model @property def optimizer(self): """Returns the optimizer used by classifier.""" return self._optimizer @property def epochs(self): """Returns the number of epochs for which the model will be trained.""" return self._epochs @property def batch_size(self): """Returns the batch size used for the dataset loader.""" return self._batch_size @property def layers(self): """Returns the layers of the model, if possible. """ if self._model_layers is None: if isinstance(self._model, nn.Module): self._model_layers = get_layers(self._model) else: raise TypeError( "The input model must be an instance of `nn.Module`.") return self._model_layers @property def layer_shapes(self): if self._model_layer_shapes is None: self._model_layer_shapes = {} layer_names = self.layer_names self.hook_layer_output(layer_names) x = torch.randn(size=self.input_shape).unsqueeze(0) x = self._model(x) for layer_name, layer in self.layers: self._model_layer_shapes[layer_name] = tuple( self._intermediate_outputs[layer].shape) self._clean_hooks() return self._model_layer_shapes @property def trained(self): """True if the model has been trained.""" return self._trained
[docs] def get_layer_shape(self, layer_name): return self.layer_shapes[layer_name]
def _clean_hooks(self): """Removes previously defined hooks.""" for handler in self._handlers: handler.remove() self._intermediate_outputs = None def _hook_forward(self, module_name, input, output): """Hooks the module's `forward` method so that it stores the intermediate outputs as tensors.""" self._intermediate_outputs[module_name] = output
[docs] def hook_layer_output(self, layer_names=None): """ Creates handlers for the hooks that store the layer outputs. Parameters ---------- layer_names : list or str, optional List of layer names to hook. Cleans previously defined hooks to prevent multiple hook creations. """ if isinstance(layer_names, str): layer_names = [layer_names] self._clean_hooks() self._handlers = [] self._intermediate_outputs = {} for name, layer in get_layers(self._model): if name in layer_names: self._handlers.append( layer.register_forward_hook(self._hook_forward)) else: pass
def _set_device(self): return torch.device("cuda" if use_cuda else "cpu")
[docs] def n_jobs(self): """Returns the number of workers being used for loading and processing the data.""" return self._n_jobs
[docs] def get_params(self): """Returns the dictionary of class parameters.""" loss_params = {'loss': self._loss} optim_params = { 'optimizer': self._optimizer.state_dict()['param_groups'][0] if self._optimizer is not None else None } return SubLevelsDict( merge_dicts(super(CClassifierPyTorch, self).get_params(), loss_params, optim_params))
[docs] def get_state(self): """Returns the object state dictionary.""" from copy import deepcopy # State of the wrapping classifier state = super(CClassifierPyTorch, self).get_state() # Map model and optimizer to CPU before saving'cpu')) # Unfortunately optimizer does not have a 'to(device)' method for opt_state in self._optimizer.state.values(): for k, v in opt_state.items(): if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): opt_state[k] ='cpu') # Use deepcopy as restoring device later will change them state['model'] = deepcopy(self._model.state_dict()) state['optimizer'] = deepcopy(self._optimizer.state_dict()) # Restore device and optimizer # Unfortunately optimizer does not have a 'to(device)' method for opt_state in self._optimizer.state.values(): for k, v in opt_state.items(): if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): opt_state[k] = return state
[docs] def set_state(self, state_dict, copy=False): """Sets the object state using input dictionary.""" # TODO: DEEPCOPY FOR torch.load_state_dict? self._model.load_state_dict(state_dict.pop('model')) self._optimizer.load_state_dict(state_dict.pop('optimizer')) super(CClassifierPyTorch, self).set_state(state_dict, copy=copy)
[docs] def check_softmax(self): """ Checks if a softmax layer has been defined in the network. Returns ------- Boolean value stating if a softmax layer has been defined. """ x = torch.ones(tuple([1] + list(self.input_shape))) x = outputs = self._model(x) if outputs.sum() == 1: return True return False
def __getattribute__(self, key): """Get an attribute. This allows getting also attributes of the internal PyTorch model, loss and optimizer.""" try: # If we are not getting the model itself if key not in ['_model', '_optimizer']: if hasattr(self, '_model') and key in self._model._modules: return self._model[key] elif hasattr(self, '_optimizer') and \ self._optimizer is not None and \ key in self._optimizer.state_dict()['param_groups'][0]: if len(self._optimizer.state_dict()['param_groups']) == 1: return self._optimizer.param_groups[0][key] else: raise NotImplementedError( "__getattribute__ is not yet " "supported for optimizers with " "more than one element in " "param_groups.") except KeyError: pass # Parameter not found in PyTorch model # Try to get the parameter from self return super(CClassifierPyTorch, self).__getattribute__(key) def __setattr__(self, key, value): """Set an attribute. This allow setting also the attributes of the internal PyTorch model. """ if isinstance(value, (torch.Tensor, torch.nn.Module)): value = if hasattr(self, '_model') and key in self._model._modules: self._model._modules[key] = value elif hasattr(self, '_optimizer') and \ self._optimizer is not None and \ key in self._optimizer.state_dict()['param_groups'][0]: self._optimizer.param_groups[0][key] = value else: # Otherwise, normal python set behavior super(CClassifierPyTorch, self).__setattr__(key, value) def _init_model(self): """Initialize the PyTorch Neural Network model.""" # Setting random seed if self._random_state is not None: torch.manual_seed(self._random_state) # Make sure that model is a proper PyTorch module if not isinstance(self._model, nn.Module): raise TypeError("`model` must be a `torch.nn.Module`.") self._model = @staticmethod def _to_tensor(x): """Convert input CArray to tensor.""" if not isinstance(x, CArray): raise ValueError("A `CArray` is required as " "input to the `_to_tensor` method.") x = x.tondarray() x = torch.from_numpy(x) x = x.type(torch.FloatTensor) if use_cuda is True: x = x.cuda(device=torch.device('cuda')) return x @staticmethod def _from_tensor(x): """Convert input tensor to CArray""" if not isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): raise ValueError("A `torch.Tensor` is required as " "input to the `_from_tensor` method.") return CArray(x.cpu().numpy()).astype(float) def _data_loader(self, data, labels=None, batch_size=10, shuffle=False, num_workers=1): """ Returns `torch.DataLoader` generated from the input CDataset. Parameters ---------- data : CArray CArray containing the input data to load. labels : CArray CArray containing the labels for the data. batch_size : int, optional Size of the batches to load for each iter of the data loader. Default value is 10. shuffle : bool, optional Whether to shuffle the data before dividing in batches. Default value is False. num_workers : int, optional Number of processes to use for loading the data. Default value is 1. Returns ------- `CDataLoaderPyTorch` iterator for loading the dataset in batches, optionally shuffled, with the specified number of workers. """ transform = transforms.Lambda(lambda x: x.reshape(self._input_shape)) return CDataLoaderPyTorch(data, labels, batch_size, shuffle=shuffle, transform=transform, num_workers=num_workers, ).get_loader() def _fit(self, dataset): """Fit PyTorch model.""" if any([self._optimizer is None, self._loss is None]): raise ValueError("Optimizer and loss should both be defined " "in order to fit the model.") train_loader = self._data_loader(dataset.X, dataset.Y, batch_size=self._batch_size) for epoch in range(self._epochs): running_loss = 0.0 for i, data in enumerate(train_loader): inputs, labels = data inputs = labels = self._optimizer.zero_grad() outputs = self._model(inputs) loss = self._loss(outputs, labels) loss.backward() self._optimizer.step() # print statistics running_loss += loss.item() if i % 2000 == 1999: # print every 2000 mini-batches'[%d, %5d] loss: %.3f' % (epoch + 1, i + 1, running_loss / 2000)) running_loss = 0.0 self._trained = True return self._model def _forward(self, x): """Forward pass on input x. Returns the output of the layer set in _out_layer. If _out_layer is None, the last layer output is returned, after applying softmax if softmax_outputs is True. Parameters ---------- x : CArray preprocessed array, ready to be transformed by the current module. Returns ------- CArray Transformed input data. """ data_loader = self._data_loader(x, num_workers=self._n_jobs, batch_size=self._batch_size) # Switch to evaluation mode self._model.eval() out_shape = self.n_classes if self._out_layer is None else \ reduce((lambda x, y: x * y), self.layer_shapes[self._out_layer]) output = torch.empty((len(data_loader.dataset), out_shape)) for batch_idx, (s, _) in enumerate(data_loader): # Log progress 'Classification: {batch}/{size}'.format(batch=batch_idx, size=len(data_loader))) s = if self._cached_x is None: with torch.no_grad(): ps = self._get_layer_output(s, self._out_layer) else: # keep track of the gradient in s tensor s.requires_grad = True ps = self._get_layer_output(s, self._out_layer) self._cached_s = s self._cached_layer_output = ps output[batch_idx * self.batch_size: batch_idx * self.batch_size + len(s)] = \ ps.view(ps.size(0), -1).detach() # Apply softmax-scaling if needed if self._softmax_outputs is True and self._out_layer is None: scores = output.softmax(dim=1) else: scores = output scores = self._from_tensor(scores) return scores def _get_layer_output(self, s, layer_name=None): """Returns the output of the desired net layer as `Torch.Tensor`. Parameters ---------- s : torch.Tensor Input tensor to forward propagate. layer_name : str or None, optional Name of the layer to hook for getting the output. If None, the output of the last layer will be returned. Returns ------- torch.Tensor Output of the desired layer(s). """ if layer_name is None: # Directly use the last layer return self._model(s) # Forward pass elif isinstance(layer_name, str): self.hook_layer_output(layer_name) self._model(s) if not self._intermediate_outputs: raise ValueError("None of requested layers were found") return list(self._intermediate_outputs.values())[0] else: raise ValueError("Pass layer names as a list or just None " "for last layer output.") def _backward(self, w): """Returns the gradient of the DNN - considering the output layer set in _out_layer - wrt data. Parameters ---------- w : CArray Weights that are pre-multiplied to the gradient of the module, as in standard reverse-mode autodiff. Returns ------- gradient : CArray Accumulated gradient of the module wrt input data. """ if w is not None: w = self._to_tensor(w.atleast_2d()).reshape( self._cached_layer_output.shape) else: raise ValueError( "Function `_backward` needs the `w` array to run backward with.") # Apply softmax-scaling if needed (only if last layer is required) if self.softmax_outputs is True and self._out_layer is None: out_carray = self._from_tensor( self._cached_layer_output.squeeze(0).data) softmax_grad = CSoftmax().gradient( out_carray, y=self._cached_layer_output) self._cached_layer_output *= self._to_tensor( softmax_grad.atleast_2d()).unsqueeze(0) w = if self._cached_s.grad is not None: self._cached_layer_output.backward(w) return self._from_tensor( -1, self.n_features))
[docs] def save_model(self, filename): """ Stores the model and optimizer's parameters. Parameters ---------- filename : str path of the file for storing the model """ state = { 'model_state': self._model.state_dict(), 'optimizer_state': self._optimizer.state_dict(), 'n_features': self.n_features, 'classes': self.classes, }, filename)
[docs] def load_model(self, filename, classes=None): """ Restores the model and optimizer's parameters. Notes: the model class and optimizer should be defined before loading the params. Parameters ---------- filename : str path where to find the stored model classes : list, tuple or None, optional This parameter is used only if the model was stored with native PyTorch. Class labels (sorted) for matching classes to indexes in the loaded model. If classes is None, the classes will be assigned new indexes from 0 to n_classes. """ state = torch.load(filename, map_location=self._device) keys = ['model_state', 'optimizer_state', 'n_features', 'classes'] if all(key in state for key in keys): if classes is not None: self.logger.warning( "Model was saved within `secml` framework. " "The parameter `classes` will be ignored.") # model was stored with save_model method self._model.load_state_dict(state['model_state']) self._optimizer.load_state_dict(state['optimizer_state']) self._n_features = state['n_features'] self._classes = state['classes'] else: # model was stored outside secml framework try: self._model.load_state_dict(state) # This part is important to prevent not fitted if classes is None: self._classes = CArray.arange( self.layer_shapes[self.layer_names[-1]][1]) else: self._classes = CArray(classes) self._n_features = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, self.input_shape) self._trained = True except Exception: self.logger.error( "Model's state dict should be stored according to " "PyTorch docs. Use ``.")