Source code for

.. module:: CClassifierSVM
   :synopsis: Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier

.. moduleauthor:: Marco Melis <>
.. moduleauthor:: Battista Biggio <>

from sklearn.svm import SVC

from secml.array import CArray
from import CClassifierLinear
from import convert_binary_labels
from import CKernel
from import CClassifierGradientSVMMixin
from import CLossHinge
from secml.utils.mixed_utils import check_is_fitted

[docs]class CClassifierSVM(CClassifierLinear, CClassifierGradientSVMMixin): """Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. Parameters ---------- kernel : None or CKernel subclass, optional Instance of a CKernel subclass to be used for computing similarity between patterns. If None (default), a linear SVM will be created. C : float, optional Penalty parameter C of the error term. Default 1.0. class_weight : {dict, 'balanced', None}, optional Set the parameter C of class i to `class_weight[i] * C`. If not given (default), all classes are supposed to have weight one. The 'balanced' mode uses the values of labels to automatically adjust weights inversely proportional to class frequencies as `n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y))`. preprocess : CPreProcess or str or None, optional Features preprocess to be applied to input data. Can be a CPreProcess subclass or a string with the type of the desired preprocessor. If None, input data is used as is. grad_sampling : float Percentage in (0.0, 1.0] of the alpha weights to be considered when computing the classifier gradient. Attributes ---------- class_type : 'svm' Notes ----- Current implementation relies on :class:`sklearn.svm.SVC` for the training step. See Also -------- CKernel : Pairwise kernels and metrics. CClassifierLinear : Common interface for linear classifiers. """ __class_type = 'svm' _loss = CLossHinge() def __init__(self, kernel=None, C=1.0, class_weight=None, preprocess=None, grad_sampling=1.0, store_dual_vars=None): # Calling the superclass init CClassifierLinear.__init__(self, preprocess=preprocess) # Classifier parameters self.C = C self.class_weight = class_weight # Number of samples for approx. gradient self.grad_sampling = grad_sampling # Flag that control storing of dual variables (depends on kernel) self._store_dual_vars = store_dual_vars # Setting up the kernel function self.kernel = CKernel.create('linear') if kernel is None \ else CKernel.create(kernel) # After-training attributes self._n_sv = None self._sv_idx = None self._alpha = None self._sv = None # slot for the computed kernel function (to speed up multiclass) # DO NOT CLEAR self._k = None
[docs] def is_linear(self): """Return True if the classifier is linear.""" if super(CClassifierSVM, self).is_linear() and self.is_kernel_linear(): return True return False
[docs] def is_kernel_linear(self): """Return True if the kernel is None or linear.""" if self.kernel.class_type == 'linear': return True return False
def _check_is_fitted(self): """Check if the classifier is trained (fitted). Raises ------ NotFittedError If the classifier is not fitted. """ if not self.is_kernel_linear() or self.store_dual_vars is True: check_is_fitted(self, 'sv') # Checking the SVs is enough # SVM is a special case, is not set '_w' if kernel is not linear # so we cannot call the superclass `_check_is_fitted` if self.is_kernel_linear(): check_is_fitted(self, 'w') # Then check the attributes of CClassifier check_is_fitted(self, ['classes', 'n_features']) @property def C(self): """Penalty parameter C of the error term.""" return self._C @C.setter def C(self, value): """Set the penalty parameter C of the error term. Parameters ---------- value : float Penalty parameter C of the error term. """ self._C = float(value) @property def class_weight(self): """Weight of each training class.""" return self._class_weight @class_weight.setter def class_weight(self, value): """Sets the weight of each training class. Parameters ---------- value : {dict, 'balanced', None} Set the parameter C of class i to `class_weight[i] * C`. If None, all classes are supposed to have weight one. The 'auto' mode uses the values of labels to automatically adjust weights inversely proportional to class frequencies as `n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y))`. """ if isinstance(value, dict) and len(value) != 2: raise ValueError("weight of positive (+1) and negative (0) " "classes only must be specified.") self._class_weight = value @property def kernel(self): """Kernel function (None if a linear classifier).""" return self._kernel @kernel.setter def kernel(self, kernel_obj): """Setting up the Kernel function (None if a linear classifier).""" self._kernel = kernel_obj # Check store dual variables flag after kernel change self.store_dual_vars = self.store_dual_vars @property def grad_sampling(self): """Percentage of samples for approximate gradient.""" return self._grad_sampling @grad_sampling.setter def grad_sampling(self, value): """Percentage of samples for approximate gradient.""" self._grad_sampling = value @property def store_dual_vars(self): """Controls the store of dual space variables (SVs and alphas). By default is None and dual variables are stored only if kernel is not None. If set to True, dual variables are stored even if kernel is None (linear SVM). If kernel is not None, cannot be set to False. """ return self._store_dual_vars @store_dual_vars.setter def store_dual_vars(self, value): """Controls the store of dual space variables (SVs and alphas). Parameters ---------- value : bool or None By default is None and dual variables are stored only if kernel is not None. If set to True, dual variables are stored even if kernel is None (linear SVM). If kernel is not None, cannot be set to False. """ if value is not None: if not self.is_kernel_linear() and value is False: raise ValueError( "not linear SVM, dual variables are always stored. " "Set store_dual_vars to None or True.") self._store_dual_vars = value @property def alpha(self): """Signed coefficients of the SVs in the decision function.""" return self._alpha @property def n_sv(self): """Return the number of support vectors. In the 1st and in the 2nd column is stored the number of SVs for the negative and positive class respectively. """ return self._n_sv @property def sv_idx(self): """Indices of Support Vectors within the training dataset.""" return self._sv_idx @property def sv(self): """Support Vectors.""" return self._sv
[docs] def sv_margin_idx(self, tol=1e-6): """Indices of Margin Support Vectors. Parameters ---------- tol : float Alpha value threshold for considering a Support Vector on the margin. Returns ------- indices : CArray Flat array with the indices of the Margin Support Vectors. """ s = self.alpha.find( (abs(self.alpha) >= tol) * (abs(self.alpha) <= self.C - tol)) return CArray(s)
[docs] def sv_margin(self, tol=1e-6): """Margin Support Vectors. Parameters ---------- tol : float Alpha value threshold for considering a Support Vector on the margin. Returns ------- CArray or None Margin support vector, 2D CArray. If no margin support vector are found, return None. indices : CArray or None Flat array with the indices of the margin support vectors. If no margin support vector are found, return None. """ s = self.sv_margin_idx(tol=tol) if s.size == 0: return None, None xs =[s, :].atleast_2d() return xs, s
[docs] def sv_margin_y(self, tol=1e-6): """Margin Support Vectors class (-1/+1). Parameters ---------- tol : float Alpha value threshold for considering a Support Vector on the margin. Returns ------- CArray Flat CArray with the class (-1/+1) of the Margin Support Vectors. """ ys = self.alpha.sign() return ys[self.sv_margin_idx(tol=tol)]
[docs] def fit(self, dataset, n_jobs=1): """Fit the SVM classifier. We use :class:`sklearn.svm.SVC` for weights and Support Vectors computation. The routine will set alpha, sv, sv_idx and b parameters. For linear SVM (i.e. if kernel is None) we also store the 'w' flat vector with each feature's weight. If a preprocess has been specified, input is normalized before computing the decision function. Parameters ---------- dataset : CDataset Binary (2-classes) Training set. Must be a :class:`.CDataset` instance with patterns data and corresponding labels. n_jobs : int, optional Number of parallel workers to use for training the classifier. Default 1. Cannot be higher than processor's number of cores. Returns ------- trained_cls : CClassifierSVM Instance of the SVM classifier trained using input dataset. """ super(CClassifierSVM, self).fit(dataset, n_jobs=n_jobs) # Cleaning up kernel matrix to free memory self._k = None return self
def _fit(self, dataset): """Trains the One-Vs-All SVM classifier. Parameters ---------- dataset : CDataset Binary (2-classes) training set. Must be a :class:`.CDataset` instance with patterns data and corresponding labels. Returns ------- trained_cls : CCLassifierSVM Instance of the SVM classifier trained using input dataset. """ "Training SVM with parameters: {:}".format(self.get_params())) # Setting up classifier parameters classifier = SVC(C=self.C, class_weight=self.class_weight, kernel='linear' if self.is_kernel_linear() else 'precomputed') # Computing the kernel matrix if not self.is_kernel_linear(): self._k = CArray(self.kernel.k(dataset.X)) else: self._k = dataset.X # Training classifier using precomputed kernel, dataset.Y.tondarray()) # Intercept self._b = CArray(classifier.intercept_[0])[0] self.logger.debug("Classifier SVM bias: {:}".format(self._b)) # Updating SVM parameters self._w = None # Resetting `_w` to leave it None next cond is False if self.is_kernel_linear(): # Linear SVM self._w = CArray( CArray(classifier.coef_, tosparse=dataset.issparse).ravel()) self.logger.debug( "Classifier SVM linear weights: \n{:}".format(self._w)) if not self.is_kernel_linear() or self.store_dual_vars is True: # Dual Space SVM or forced dual variables store self._n_sv = CArray(classifier.n_support_) self._sv_idx = CArray(classifier.support_).ravel() # Compatibility fix for differences between sklearn versions self._alpha = convert_binary_labels(dataset.Y[self.sv_idx]) * \ abs(CArray(classifier.dual_coef_).todense().ravel()) self._sv = CArray(dataset.X[self.sv_idx, :]) self.logger.debug("Classifier SVM dual weights (alphas): " "\n{:}".format(self._alpha)) else: # Resetting the dual parameters self._n_sv = None self._sv_idx = None self._alpha = None self._sv = None return classifier def _decision_function(self, x, y=None): """Computes the distance from the separating hyperplane for each pattern in x. For non linear SVM, the kernel between input patterns and Support Vectors is computed and then the inner product of the resulting array with the alphas is calculated. Parameters ---------- x : CArray Array with new patterns to classify, 2-Dimensional of shape (n_patterns, n_features). y : {0, 1, None} The label of the class wrt the function should be calculated. If None, return the output for all classes. Returns ------- score : CArray Value of the decision function for each test pattern. Dense flat array of shape (n_samples,) if `y` is not None, otherwise a (n_samples, n_classes) array. """ if y not in (0, 1, None): raise ValueError("decision function cannot be computed " "against class {:}.".format(y)) if self.is_kernel_linear(): # Scores are given by the linear model return CClassifierLinear._decision_function(self, x, y=y) k = CArray(self.kernel.k(x, score = CArray(k).todense().ravel() + self.b scores = CArray.ones(shape=(x.shape[0], self.n_classes)) scores[:, 0] = -score.ravel().T scores[:, 1] = score.ravel().T return scores[:, y].ravel() if y is not None else scores