Source code for secml.optim.optimizers.line_search.c_line_search_bisect

.. module:: CLineSearchBisect
   :synopsis: Binary line search.

.. moduleauthor:: Battista Biggio <>

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np

from secml.optim.optimizers.line_search import CLineSearch
from secml.array import CArray

[docs]class CLineSearchBisect(CLineSearch): """Binary line search. Attributes ---------- class_type : 'bisect' """ __class_type = 'bisect' def __init__(self, fun, constr=None, bounds=None, eta=1e-4, eta_min=0.1, eta_max=None, max_iter=20): CLineSearch.__init__( self, fun=fun, constr=constr, bounds=bounds, eta=eta, max_iter=max_iter) # init attributes self._eta_max = None self._eta_min = None # init attributes (with setters) self.eta_max = eta_max self.eta_min = eta_min # other internal parameters self._n_iter = 0 self._fx = None # cached value of fun at x (initial point) self._fz = None # cached value of fun at current z during line search self._fun_idx_max = None self._fun_idx_min = None @property def eta_max(self): return self._eta_max @eta_max.setter def eta_max(self, value): """Sets eta_max to value (multiple of eta). Parameters ---------- value: CArray or None """ if value is None: self._eta_max = None return # set eta_max >= t*eta, t >= 1 (integer) self._eta_max = self.eta * max(value / self.eta, 1) @property def eta_min(self): return self._eta_min @eta_min.setter def eta_min(self, value): """Sets eta_min to value (multiple of eta). Parameters ---------- value: CArray or None """ if value is None: self._eta_min = None return # set eta_min >= t*eta, t >= 1 (integer) t = CArray(value / self.eta).round() t = t if t > 1 else CArray([1]) self._eta_min = self.eta * t @property def n_iter(self): return self._n_iter def _update_z(self, x, eta, d): """Update z and its cached score fz.""" z = x + eta * d self._fz = return z def _is_feasible(self, x): """Checks if x is within the feasible domain.""" constr_violation = False if self.constr is None else \ self.constr.is_violated(x) bounds_violation = False if self.bounds is None else \ self.bounds.is_violated(x) if constr_violation or bounds_violation: return False return True def _select_best_point(self, x, d, idx_min, idx_max, **kwargs): """Returns best point among x and the two points found by the search. In practice, if f(x + eta*d) increases on d, we return x.""" # dtype of x1 and x2 depends on x and eta (the grid discretization) if np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.floating): # if x is float res dtype should be float dtype = x.dtype else: # x is int, so the res dtype depends on the grid discretization dtype = self.eta.dtype x1 = CArray(x + d * self.eta * idx_min, dtype=dtype, tosparse=x.issparse) x2 = CArray(x + d * self.eta * idx_max, dtype=dtype, tosparse=x.issparse)"Select best point between: " + str(x + self.eta * d * idx_min) + ", " + str(x + self.eta * d * idx_max) + ", " + str(x)) self.logger.debug("f[a], f[b]: [" + str(self._fun_idx_min) + "," + str(self._fun_idx_max) + "]") self.logger.debug("f[x] " + str(self._fx)) f0 = self._fx if not self._is_feasible(x1) and \ not self._is_feasible(x2): self.logger.debug("x1 and x2 are not feasible. Returning x.") return x, f0 # uses cached values (if available) to save computations f1 = self._fun_idx_min if self._fun_idx_min is not None else \, **kwargs) if not self._is_feasible(x2): if f1 < f0: self.logger.debug("x2 not feasible. Returning x1." " f(x): " + str(f0) + ", f(x1): " + str(f1)) return x1, f1 self.logger.debug("x2 not feasible. Returning x." " f(x): " + str(f0) + ", f(x1): " + str(f1)) return x, f0 # uses cached values (if available) to save computations f2 = self._fun_idx_max if self._fun_idx_max is not None else \, **kwargs) if not self._is_feasible(x1): if f2 < f0: self.logger.debug("x1 not feasible. Returning x2.") return x2, f2 self.logger.debug("x1 not feasible. Returning x.") return x, f0 # else return best point among x1, x2 and x self.logger.debug("f0: {:}, f1: {:}, f2: {:}".format(f0, f1, f2)) if f2 <= f0 and f2 < f1: self.logger.debug("Returning x2.") return x2, f2 if f1 <= f0 and f1 < f2: self.logger.debug("Returning x1.") return x1, f1 self.logger.debug("Returning x.") self.logger.debug("f0: {:}".format(f0)) return x, f0 def _is_decreasing(self, x, d, **kwargs): """ Returns True if function at `x + eps*d` is decreasing, or False if it is increasing or out of feasible domain. """ # IMPORTANT: requires self._fz to be set to # This is done to save function evaluations if not self._is_feasible(x): # point is outside of feasible domain return False # this could be in the order of 1e-10 or 1e-12, if eta is very small delta = + 0.1 * self.eta * d, **kwargs) - self._fz if delta <= 0: # feasible point, decreasing / stationary score return True # feasible point, increasing score return False def _compute_eta_max(self, x, d, **kwargs): # double eta each time until function increases or goes out of bounds eta = self.eta if self.eta_min is None else self.eta_min # eta_min may be too large, going out of bounds, # or jumping out of the local minimum # it this happens, we reduce it, # ensuring a feasible point or a minimal step (multiple of self.eta) # this helps getting closer to the violated constraint t = CArray(eta / self.eta).round() self.logger.debug( "[_compute_eta_max] eta: " + str(eta) + ", x: " + str(x[x != 0]) + ", f(x): " + str(self._fx)) # update z and fz z = self._update_z(x, eta, d) self.logger.debug( "[_compute_eta_max] eta max, eta: " + str(eta) + ", z: " + str(z[z != 0]) + ", f(z): " + str(self._fz)) # divide eta by 2 if x+eta*d goes out of bounds or fz decreases # update (if required) z and fz while eta > self.eta and \ (not self._is_feasible(z) or self._fz > self._fx): t = CArray(t / 2).round() eta = t * self.eta # store fz (for current point) z = self._update_z(x, eta, d) # exponential line search starts here while self._n_iter < self.max_iter: # cache f_min self._fun_idx_min = self._fz eta *= 2 # update z and fz z = self._update_z(x, eta, d) # cache f_max self._fun_idx_max = self._fz self.logger.debug( "[_compute_eta_max] eta: " + str(eta) + ", z: " + str(z[z != 0]) + ", f(z): " + str(self._fz)) self._n_iter += 1 # function started increasing or end of bounds if not self._is_decreasing(z, d, **kwargs): return eta self.logger.debug('Maximum iterations reached. Exiting.') return eta
[docs] def minimize(self, x, d, fx=None, tol=1e-4, **kwargs): """Bisect line search (on discrete grid). The function `fun( x + a*eta*d )` with `a = {0, 1, 2, ... }` is minimized along the descent direction d. If `fun(x) >= 0` -> step_min = step else step_max = step If eta_max is not None, it runs a bisect line search in `[x + eta_min*d, x + eta_max*d]; otherwise, it runs an exponential line search in `[x + eta*d, ..., x + eta_min*d, ...]` Parameters ---------- x : CArray The input point. d : CArray The descent direction along which `fun(x)` is minimized. fx : int or float or None, optional The current value of `fun(x)` (if available). tol : float, optional Tolerance for convergence to the local minimum. kwargs : dict Additional parameters required to evaluate `fun(x, **kwargs)`. Returns ------- x' : CArray Point `x' = x + eta * d` that approximately solves `min f(x + eta*d)`. fx': int or float or None, optional The value `f(x')`. """ d = CArray(d, tosparse=d.issparse).ravel() self._n_iter = 0 # func eval self.logger.debug("received fx: {:}".format(fx)) self._fx = if fx is None else fx self._fz = self._fx "line search: " + str(x[x != 0]) + ", f(x): " + str(self._fx)) # reset cached values self._fun_idx_min = None self._fun_idx_max = None # exponential search if self.eta_max is None: self.logger.debug("Exponential search ") eta_max = self._compute_eta_max(x, d, **kwargs) idx_max = (eta_max / self.eta).ceil().astype(int) idx_min = (idx_max / 2).astype(int) # this only searches within [eta, 2*eta] # the values fun_idx_min and fun_idx_max are already cached else: self.logger.debug("Binary search ") idx_max = (self.eta_max / self.eta).ceil().astype(int) idx_min = 0 self._fun_idx_min = self._fx self._fun_idx_max = None # this has not been cached"Running binary line search in: [" + str(x + self.eta * d * idx_min) + "," + str(x + self.eta * d * idx_max) + "]") self.logger.debug("f[a], f[b]: [" + str(self._fun_idx_min) + "," + str(self._fun_idx_max) + "]") while self._n_iter < self.max_iter: if idx_min == 0: if (idx_max <= 1).any(): # local minimum found self.logger.debug("local minimum found") return self._select_best_point( x, d, idx_min, idx_max, **kwargs) else: if (idx_max - idx_min <= 1).any(): # local minimum found self.logger.debug("local minimum found") return self._select_best_point( x, d, idx_min, idx_max, **kwargs) # else, continue... idx = (0.5 * (idx_min + idx_max)).astype(int) fz_prev = self._fz # update z, fz z = self._update_z(x, self.eta, d * idx) self.logger.debug( ", z: " + str(z[z != 0]) + ", f(z): " + str(self._fz)) self._n_iter += 1 if self._is_decreasing(z, d, **kwargs): idx_min = idx self._fun_idx_min = self._fz else: idx_max = idx self._fun_idx_max = self._fz # check if we are approaching the minimum (flat region) if self._is_feasible(z) and abs(self._fz - fz_prev) <= tol: self.logger.debug('Reached flat region. Exiting.') return self._select_best_point( x, d, idx_min, idx_max, **kwargs) self.logger.debug('Maximum iterations reached. Exiting.') return self._select_best_point(x, d, idx_min, idx_max, **kwargs)