Source code for secml.utils.dict_utils

.. module:: DictionaryUtils
   :synopsis: Collection of mixed utilities for Dictionaries

.. moduleauthor:: Marco Melis <>

    from import MutableMapping
except ImportError:
    from collections import MutableMapping


__all__ = ['load_dict', 'merge_dicts', 'invert_dict',
           'LastInDict', 'SubLevelsDict']

[docs]def load_dict(file_path, values_dtype=str, encoding='ascii'): """Load dictionary from textfile. Each file's line should be <key: value> Parameters ---------- file_path : str Full path to the file to read. values_dtype : dtype Datatype of the values. Default str (string). encoding : str, optional Encoding to use for reading the file. Default 'ascii'. Returns ------- dictionary : dict Loaded dictionary with one key for each line in the input text file. """ new_dict = {} with open(file_path, mode='rt', encoding=encoding) as df: for key_line in df: # a line is 'key: value' key_line_split = key_line.split(':') try: # Removing any space from key value before setting new_dict[key_line_split[0]] = values_dtype(key_line_split[1].strip()) except IndexError: raise ValueError("line '{:}' is not valid.".format(key_line)) return new_dict
[docs]def merge_dicts(*dicts): """Shallow copy and merge any number of input dicts. Precedence goes to key value pairs in latter dicts. Parameters ---------- dicts : dict1, dict2, ... Any sequence of dict objects to merge. Examples -------- >>> from secml.utils import merge_dicts >>> d1 = {'attr1': 100, 'attr2': 200} >>> d2 = {'attr3': 300, 'attr1': 999} # Redefining `attr1` >>> merge_dicts(d1, d2) # Value of `attr1` will be set according to `d2` dictionary {'attr3': 300, 'attr2': 200, 'attr1': 999} """ result = {} for dict_i in dicts: result.update(dict_i) return result
[docs]def invert_dict(d): """Returns a new dict with keys as values and values as keys. Parameters ---------- d : dict Input dictionary. If one value of the dictionary is a list or a tuple, each element of the sequence will be considered separately. Returns ------- dict The new dictionary with d keys as values and d values as keys. In the case of duplicated d values, the value of the resulting key of the new dictionary will be a list with all the corresponding d keys. Examples -------- >>> from secml.utils.dict_utils import invert_dict >>> a = {'k1': 2, 'k2': 2, 'k3': 1} >>> print(invert_dict(a)) {1: 'k3', 2: ['k1', 'k2']} >>> a = {'k1': 2, 'k2': [2,3,1], 'k3': 1} >>> print(invert_dict(a)) {1: ['k2', 'k3'], 2: ['k1', 'k2'], 3: 'k2'} """ def tolist(x): return [x] if not isinstance(x, (list, tuple)) else list(x) new_d = {} for k in d.items(): for v in tolist(k[1]): i = k[0] if v in new_d: # If the key has already been set create a list for the values i = tolist(i) i = tolist(new_d[v]) + i new_d[v] = i return new_d
[docs]class LastInDict(MutableMapping): """Last In Dictionary. A standard dictionary that keeps in memory the key of the last set item. The setting behaviour is queue-like: a single element can be inserted in the dictionary each time. The last key can be changes manually calling `LastInDict.lastitem_id = key`. Examples -------- >>> from secml.utils import LastInDict >>> li = LastInDict() >>> li['key1'] = 123 >>> li['key2'] = 102030 >>> li.lastin_key 'key2' >>> li.lastin 102030 """ def __init__(self): self._data = dict() self._rw_lastin_key = None @property def lastin(self): return self._data[self.lastin_key] @property def lastin_key(self): return self._rw_lastin_key @lastin_key.setter def lastin_key(self, key): if key not in self._data: raise KeyError("unknown key '{:}'.".format(key)) self._rw_lastin_key = key def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._data[key] = value self.lastin_key = key def __getitem__(self, key): return self._data[key] def __delitem__(self, key): self.lastin_key = None if self.lastin_key == key else self.lastin_key del self._data[key] def __len__(self): return len(self._data) def __iter__(self): for key in self._data: yield key
[docs]class SubLevelsDict(MutableMapping): """Sub-Levels Dictionary. A standard dictionary that allows easy access to attributes of contained objects at infinite deep. Examples -------- >>> from secml.utils import SubLevelsDict >>> class Foo(object): ... attr2 = 5 >>> li = SubLevelsDict({'attr1': Foo()}) >>> print(type(li['attr1'])) <class 'dict_utils.Foo'> >>> print(li['attr1.attr2']) 5 >>> li['attr1.attr2'] = 10 # Subattributes can be set in the same way >>> print(li['attr1.attr2']) 10 """ def __init__(self, data): self._data = dict(data) def __setitem__(self, key, value): # Support for recursion, e.g. -> attr1.attr2 key = key.split('.') # Setting a key element works like in dictionaries if len(key) == 1: self._data[key[0]] = value return # The first element of key is a key of the dictionary data = self._data[key[0]] # Now get the desired subattributes recursively, # until the level before the last is reached for key_split in key[1:-1]: data = getattr(data, key_split) # The last subattribute must be an attribute of the deepest level if hasattr(data, key[-1]): setattr(data, key[-1], value) else: raise AttributeError("'{:}' not found.".format('.'.join(key))) def __getitem__(self, key): # Support for recursion, e.g. -> attr1.attr2 key = key.split('.') # The first element of key is a key of the dictionary data = self._data[key[0]] # Now get the desired subattributes recursively, # until the last level is reached for key_split in key[1:]: data = getattr(data, key_split) return data def __delitem__(self, key): if len(key.split('.')) != 1: raise ValueError("only first-level attributes can be removed.") del self._data[key] def __len__(self): return len(self._data) def __contains__(self, key): # Support for recursion, e.g. -> attr1.attr2 key = key.split('.') # Check the first element, is a key of the dictionary if key[0] not in self._data: return False # The first element of key is a key of the dictionary data = self._data[key[0]] # Now get the desired subattributes recursively for key_split in key[1:]: if not hasattr(data, key_split): return False data = getattr(data, key_split) return True def __iter__(self): for key in self._data: yield key def __repr__(self): return dict.__repr__(self._data)