Source code for secml.core.c_creator

.. module:: Creator
   :synopsis: Superclass and factory for all the other classes

.. moduleauthor:: Marco Melis <>

from importlib import import_module
from inspect import isclass, getmembers
from functools import wraps

from secml.settings import SECML_STORE_LOGS, SECML_LOGS_PATH
from secml.core.attr_utils import is_public, extract_attr, \
    as_public, get_private
from secml.core.type_utils import is_str
import secml.utils.pickle_utils as pck
from secml.utils.list_utils import find_duplicates
from secml.utils import CLog, SubLevelsDict

[docs]class CCreator(object): """The magnificent global superclass. Attributes ---------- class_type : str Class type identification string. If not defined, class will not be instantiable using `.create()`. __super__ : str or None String with superclass name. Can be None to explicitly NOT support `.create()` and `.load()`. """ __class_type = None # Must be re-defined to support `.create()` __super__ = None # Name of the superclass (if `.create()` or `.load()` should be available) # Ancestor logger, level 'WARNING' by default _logger = CLog( add_stream=True, file_handler=SECML_LOGS_PATH if SECML_STORE_LOGS is True else None) @property def class_type(self): """Defines class type.""" try: # Convert the private attribute to public property return get_private(self.__class__, 'class_type') except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("'class_type' not defined for '{:}'" "".format(self.__class__.__name__)) @property def logger(self): """Logger for current object.""" return self._logger.get_child(self.__class__.__name__ + '.' + str(hex(id(self)))) @property def verbose(self): """Verbosity level of logger output. Available levels are: 0 = no verbose output 1 = info-level logging 2 = debug-level logging """ verbosity_lvls = {30: 0, 20: 1, 10: 2} # 30: WARNING, 20: INFO, 10: DEBUG return verbosity_lvls[self.logger.level] @verbose.setter def verbose(self, level): """Sets verbosity level of logger.""" verbosity_lvls = {0: 'WARNING', 1: 'INFO', 2: 'DEBUG'} if level not in verbosity_lvls: raise ValueError("Verbosity level {:} not supported.".format(level)) self.logger.set_level(verbosity_lvls[level])
[docs] @staticmethod def timed(msg=None): """Timer decorator. Returns a decorator that can be used to measure execution time of any method. Performance data will be stored inside the class logger. Messages will be logged using the INFO logging level. As this decorator accepts optional arguments, must be called as a method. See examples. Parameters ---------- msg : str or None, optional Custom message to display when entering the timed block. If None, "Entering timed block `method_name`..." will printed. """ def wrapper(fun): @wraps(fun) # To make wrapped_fun work as fun_timed def wrapped_fun(self, *args, **kwargs): # Wrap fun again and add the timed decorator @self.logger.timed(msg=msg) @wraps(fun) # To make fun_timed work as fun def fun_timed(*fun_args, **fun_wargs): return fun(*fun_args, **fun_wargs) return fun_timed(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapped_fun return wrapper
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, class_item=None, *args, **kwargs): """This method creates an instance of a class with given type. The list of subclasses of calling superclass is looked for any class defining `class_item = 'value'`. If found, the class type is listed. Also a class instance can be passed as main argument. In this case the class instance is returned as is. Parameters ---------- class_item : str or class instance or None, optional Type of the class to instantiate. If a class instance of cls is passed, instead, it returns the instance directly. If this is None, an instance of the classing superclass is created. args, kwargs : optional arguments Any other argument for the class to create. If a class instance is passed as `class_item`, optional arguments are NOT allowed. Returns ------- instance_class : any class Instance of the class having the given type (`class_type`) or the same class instance passed as input. """ if cls.__super__ != cls.__name__: raise TypeError("classes can be created from superclasses only.") # Create an instance of the calling superclass if class_item is None: return cls(*args, **kwargs) # Pycharm says are unexpected args # We accept strings and class instances only if isclass(class_item): # Returns false for instances raise TypeError("creator only accepts a class type " "as string or a class instance.") # CCreator cannot be created! if class_item.__class__ == CCreator: raise TypeError("class 'CCreator' is not callable.") # If a class instance is passed, it's returned as is if not is_str(class_item): if not isinstance(class_item, cls): raise TypeError("input instance should be a {:} " "subclass.".format(cls.__name__)) if len(args) + len(kwargs) != 0: raise TypeError("optional arguments are not allowed " "when a class instance is passed.") return class_item # Get all the subclasses of the superclass subclasses = cls.get_subclasses() # Get all class types from the list of subclasses (to check duplicates) class_types = import_class_types(subclasses) # Check for duplicates _check_class_types_duplicates(class_types, subclasses) # Everything seems fine now, look for desired class type for class_data in subclasses: if get_private(class_data[1], 'class_type', None) == class_item: return class_data[1](*args, **kwargs) raise NameError("no class of type `{:}` is a subclass of '{:}' " "from module '{:}'".format( class_item, cls.__name__, cls.__module__))
[docs] @classmethod def get_subclasses(cls): """Get all the subclasses of the calling class. Returns ------- subclasses : list of tuple The list containing a tuple (class.__name__, class) for each subclass of calling class. Keep in mind that in Python each class is a "subclass" of itself. """ def get_subclasses(sup_cls): subcls_list = [] for subclass in sup_cls.__subclasses__(): subcls_list.append((subclass.__name__, subclass)) subcls_list += get_subclasses(subclass) return subcls_list subclasses = get_subclasses(cls) # the superclass is a "subclass" of itself (in Python) subclasses.append((cls.__name__, cls)) return subclasses
[docs] @classmethod def list_class_types(cls): """This method lists all types of available subclasses of calling one. The list of subclasses of calling superclass is looked for any class defining `class_item = 'value'`. If found, the class type is listed. Returns ------- types : list List of the types of available subclasses of calling class. """ # Why this method is a classmethod? Just an exception for simplicity # classmethods should normally return an instance of calling class if cls.__super__ != cls.__name__: raise TypeError("only superclasses can be used.") # Get all the subclasses of the superclass subclasses = cls.get_subclasses() # Get all class types from the list of subclasses (to check duplicates) class_types = import_class_types(subclasses) # Check for duplicates _check_class_types_duplicates(class_types, subclasses) return class_types
[docs] @classmethod def get_class_from_type(cls, class_type): """Return the class associated with input type. This will NOT check for classes with duplicated class type. The first class found with matching type will be returned. Parameters ---------- class_type : str Type of the class which will be looked up for. Returns ------- class_obj : class Desired class, if found. This is NOT an instance of the class. """ # Why this method is a classmethod? Just an exception for simplicity # classmethods should normally return an instance of calling class if cls.__super__ != cls.__name__: raise TypeError("only superclasses can be used.") # Get all the subclasses of the superclass subclasses = cls.get_subclasses() # Look for desired class type for class_data in subclasses: if get_private(class_data[1], 'class_type', None) == class_type: return class_data[1] raise NameError("no class of type `{:}` found within the package " "of class '{:}'".format(class_type, cls.__module__))
[docs] def get_params(self): """Returns the dictionary of class parameters. A parameter is a PUBLIC or READ/WRITE attribute. """ # We extract the PUBLIC (pub) and the READ/WRITE (rw) attributes # from the class dictionary, than we build a new dictionary using # as keys the attributes names without the accessibility prefix return SubLevelsDict((as_public(k), getattr(self, as_public(k))) for k in extract_attr(self, 'pub+rw'))
[docs] def set_params(self, params_dict, copy=False): """Set all parameters passed as a dictionary {key: value}. This function natively takes as input the dictionary created by `.get_params`. Only parameters, i.e. PUBLIC or READ/WRITE attributes, can be set. For more informations on the setting behaviour see `.CCreator.set`. If possible, a reference to the parameter to set is assigned. Use `copy=True` to always make a deepcopy before set. Parameters ---------- params_dict : dict Dictionary of parameters to set. copy : bool By default (False) a reference to the parameter to assign is set. If True or a reference cannot be extracted, a deepcopy of the parameter is done first. See Also -------- get_params : returns the dictionary of class parameters. """ for param_name in params_dict: # Call single attribute set method self.set(param_name, params_dict[param_name], copy)
[docs] def set(self, param_name, param_value, copy=False): """Set a parameter that has a specific name to a specific value. Only parameters, i.e. PUBLIC or READ/WRITE attributes, can be set. The following checks are performed before setting: - if parameter is an attribute of current class, set directly; - else, iterate over __dict__ and look for a class attribute having the desired parameter as an attribute; - else, if attribute is not found on the 2nd level, raise AttributeError. If possible, a reference to the parameter to set is assigned. Use `copy=True` to always make a deepcopy before set. Parameters ---------- param_name : str Name of the parameter to set. param_value : any Value to set for the parameter. copy : bool By default (False) a reference to the parameter to assign is set. If True or a reference cannot be extracted, a deepcopy of the parameter is done first. """ def copy_attr(attr_tocopy): from copy import deepcopy return deepcopy(attr_tocopy) # Support for recursive setting, e.g. -> kernel.gamma param_name = param_name.split('.') # Parameters settable in this function must be public. # READ/WRITE accessibility is then checked by the setter... if not is_public(self, param_name[0]): raise AttributeError( "can't set `{:}`, must be public.".format(param_name[0])) if hasattr(self, param_name[0]): # 1 level set or multiple sublevels set? if len(param_name) == 1: # Set parameter directly setattr(self, param_name[0], copy_attr( param_value) if copy is True else param_value) return else: # Start recursion on sublevels sub_param_name = '.'.join(param_name[1:]) # Calling `.set` method of the next sublevel getattr(self, param_name[0]).set( sub_param_name, param_value, copy) return # OLD STYLE SET: recursion on 2 levels only to set a subattribute # The first subattribute found is set... else: # Look for parameter inside all class attributes for attr_name in self.__dict__: # Extract the current attribute attr = getattr(self, attr_name) # If parameter is an attribute of current attribute set it if hasattr(attr, param_name[0]): setattr(attr, param_name[0], copy_attr( param_value) if copy is True else param_value) return # If we haven't found desired parameter anywhere, raise AttributeError raise AttributeError("'{:}', or any of its attributes, has " "parameter '{:}'".format( self.__class__.__name__, param_name))
[docs] def copy(self): """Returns a shallow copy of current class. As shallow copy creates a new instance of current object and then insert in the new object a reference (if possible) to each attribute of the original object. """ from copy import copy return copy(self)
def __copy__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Called when copy.copy(object) is called.""" from copy import copy new_obj = self.__new__(self.__class__) for attr in self.__dict__: new_obj.__dict__[attr] = copy(self.__dict__[attr]) return new_obj
[docs] def deepcopy(self): """Returns a deep copy of current class. As deep copy is time consuming in most cases, can sometimes be acceptable to select a subset of attributes and assign them to a new instance of the current class using `.set_params`. """ from copy import deepcopy return deepcopy(self)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo, *args, **kwargs): """Called when copy.deepcopy(object) is called. `memo` is a memory dictionary needed by `copy.deepcopy`. """ from copy import deepcopy new_obj = self.__new__(self.__class__) for attr in self.__dict__: new_obj.__dict__[attr] = deepcopy(self.__dict__[attr], memo) return new_obj
[docs] def save(self, path): """Save class object using pickle. Store the current class instance to disk, preserving the state of each attribute. `.load()` can be used to restore the instance later. Parameters ---------- path : str Path of the target object file. Returns ------- obj_path : str The full path of the stored object. """ return, self)
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, path): """Loads class from pickle object. This function loads any object stored with pickle or cPickle and any output of `.save()`. The object can be correctly loaded in the following cases: - loaded and calling class have the same type. - calling class is the superclass of the loaded class's package. - calling class is `.CCreator`. Parameters ---------- path : str Path of the target object file. """ loaded_obj = pck.load(path) if loaded_obj.__class__ == cls or cls == CCreator or \ (has_super(loaded_obj) and cls.__name__ == loaded_obj.__super__): return loaded_obj else: err_str = "'{0}' can be loaded from: '{0}'".format( loaded_obj.__class__.__name__) if has_super(loaded_obj): err_str += ", '{:}'".format(loaded_obj.__super__) raise TypeError(err_str + " or 'CCreator'.")
def __repr__(self): """Defines print behaviour.""" out_repr = self.__class__.__name__ + "{" for k in extract_attr(self, 'pub+rw+r'): pub_attr_name = as_public(k) out_repr += "'{:}': ".format(pub_attr_name) out_repr += repr(getattr(self, pub_attr_name)) out_repr += ", " return out_repr.rstrip(', ') + "}"
[docs]def has_super(cls): """Returns True if input class `__super__` is not None. `__super__` is defined and not None for class trees having a main superclass and one or more inherited classes. Parameters ---------- cls : obj Any class or class isntance. """ return hasattr(cls, '__super__') and cls.__super__ is not None
[docs]def import_package_classes(cls): """Get all the classes inside a package. Returns ------- members : list Return all members of an object as (name, value) pairs sorted by name. """ # Get all modules inside the package of calling superclass package_name = cls.__module__ # Leaving out the last part of __module__ string as is `cls` filename # But only if module is not the main (a single file) if package_name != '__main__': package_name = package_name.rpartition('.')[0] # Import the entire package package = import_module(package_name) # Get the classes only from the package return getmembers(package, isclass)
[docs]def import_class_types(classes): """Returns types associated with input list of classes. Abstract properties are ignored. Returns ------- types : list List of class types associated with input list of classes. """ # Get all class types from the input list of classes (to check duplicates) # Leaving out the classes not defining a class_type class_types = map( lambda class_file: get_private(class_file[1], 'class_type', None), classes) # skipping non string class_types -> classes not supporting creator return [class_type for class_type in class_types if isinstance(class_type, str)]
def _check_class_types_duplicates(class_types, classes): """Check duplicated types for input list of class types.""" duplicates = find_duplicates(class_types) if len(duplicates) != 0: # Return the list of classes with duplicate type duplicates_classes = [ (class_tuple[0], get_private(class_tuple[1], 'class_type')) for class_tuple in classes if get_private(class_tuple[1], 'class_type', None) in duplicates] raise ValueError("following classes have the same class type. Fix " "before continue. {:}".format(duplicates_classes))