Source code for

.. module:: CDataSplitter
   :synopsis: Common interface for dataset splitting

.. moduleauthor:: Ambra Demontis <>
.. moduleauthor:: Marco Melis <>

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import six
from six.moves import range

from secml.core import CCreator

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(ABCMeta) class CDataSplitter(CCreator): """Abstract class that defines basic methods for dataset splitting. Parameters ---------- num_folds : int, optional Number of folds to create. Default 3. This corresponds to the size of tr_idx and ts_idx lists. random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional (default=None) If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, is the RandomState instance used by np.random. """ __super__ = 'CDataSplitter' def __init__(self, num_folds=3, random_state=None): self.num_folds = num_folds self.random_state = random_state self._tr_idx = [] # Training set indices for each fold self._ts_idx = [] # Test set indices for each fold @property def tr_idx(self): """List of training idx obtained with the split of the data.""" return self._tr_idx @property def ts_idx(self): """List of test idx obtained with the split of the data.""" return self._ts_idx def __iter__(self): """Return a train/test indices pair for each fold.""" for f in range(self.num_folds): yield self._tr_idx[f], self._ts_idx[f]
[docs] @abstractmethod def compute_indices(self, dataset): """Compute training set and test set indices for each fold. Parameters ---------- dataset : CDataset Dataset to split. Returns ------- CDataSplitter Instance of the dataset splitter with tr/ts indices. """ raise NotImplementedError("Each data splitting algorithm must define " "a `compute_indices` method.")
[docs] def split(self, dataset): """Returns a list of split datasets. Parameters ---------- dataset : CDataset Dataset to split. Returns ------- split_ds : list of tuple List of tuples (training set, test set), one for each fold. """ # Computing splitting indices self.compute_indices(dataset) # For each fold, return a tuple (training set, test set) ds_list = [] for tr_idx, ts_idx in self: ds_list.append((dataset[tr_idx, :], dataset[ts_idx, :])) return ds_list