Source code for

.. module:: CDataSplitterLabelKFold
   :synopsis: Label K-Fold splitting

.. moduleauthor:: Ambra Demontis <>

from six.moves import range

from secml.array import CArray
from import CDataSplitter

[docs]class CDataSplitterLabelKFold(CDataSplitter): """K-Folds dataset splitting with non-overlapping labels. The same label will not appear in two different folds (the number of distinct labels has to be at least equal to the number of folds). The folds are approximately balanced in the sense that the number of distinct labels is approximately the same in each fold. Parameters ---------- num_folds : int, optional Number of folds to create. Default 3. This correspond to the size of tr_idx and ts_idx lists. Attributes ---------- class_type : 'label-kfold' Examples -------- >>> from import CDataset >>> from import CDataset >>> from import CDataSplitterLabelKFold >>> ds = CDataset([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6],[7,8]], [1,0,1,2]) >>> kfold = CDataSplitterLabelKFold(num_folds=3).compute_indices(ds) >>> print(kfold.num_folds) 3 >>> print(kfold.tr_idx) [CArray(2,)(dense: [1 3]), CArray(3,)(dense: [0 1 2]), CArray(3,)(dense: [0 2 3])] >>> print(kfold.ts_idx) [CArray(2,)(dense: [0 2]), CArray(1,)(dense: [3]), CArray(1,)(dense: [1])] """ __class_type = 'label-kfold' def __init__(self, num_folds=3): super(CDataSplitterLabelKFold, self).__init__(num_folds=num_folds)
[docs] def compute_indices(self, dataset): """Compute training set and test set indices for each fold. Parameters ---------- dataset : CDataset Dataset to split. Returns ------- CDataSplitter Instance of the dataset splitter with tr/ts indices. """ # Resetting indices self._tr_idx = [] self._ts_idx = [] unique_labels, labels = dataset.Y.unique(return_inverse=True) n_labels = unique_labels.size if self.num_folds > n_labels: raise ValueError( ("Cannot have number of folds ({0}) greater" " than the number of classes: {1}.").format( self.num_folds, n_labels)) # Weight labels by their number of occurrences n_samples_per_label = labels.bincount() # Distribute the most frequent labels first indices = n_samples_per_label.argsort(axis=None)[::-1] n_samples_per_label = n_samples_per_label[indices] # Total weight of each fold n_samples_per_fold = CArray.zeros(self.num_folds, dtype=int) # Mapping from label index to fold index label_to_fold = CArray.zeros(n_labels, dtype=int) # Distribute samples by adding the largest weight to the lightest fold for label_index, weight in enumerate(n_samples_per_label): lightest_fold = n_samples_per_fold.argmin() n_samples_per_fold[lightest_fold] += weight label_to_fold[indices[label_index]] = lightest_fold fold_labels = label_to_fold[labels] for fold_idx in range(self.num_folds): test_indices = fold_labels.find(fold_labels == fold_idx) train_indices = fold_labels.find(fold_labels != fold_idx) self._ts_idx.append(CArray(test_indices)) self._tr_idx.append(CArray(train_indices)) return self