Source code for secml.utils.mixed_utils

.. module:: FunctionUtils
   :synopsis: Collection of mixed utility classes and functions

.. moduleauthor:: Marco Melis <>


__all__ = ['AverageMeter', 'OrderedFlexibleClass', 'check_is_fitted']

[docs]class AverageMeter(object): """Computes and stores the average and current value. Attributes ---------- val : float Current value. avg : float Average. sum : float Cumulative sum of seen values. count : int Number of seen values. """ def __init__(self): self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): self.val = 0. self.avg = 0. self.sum = 0. self.count = 0
[docs] def update(self, val, n=1): """Updated average and current value. Parameters ---------- val : float New current value. n : int, optional Multiplier for the current value. Indicates how many times the value should be counted in the average. Default 1. """ val = float(val) n = int(n) self.val = val self.sum += val * n self.count += n self.avg = self.sum / self.count
[docs]class OrderedFlexibleClass(object): """A flexible class exposing its attributes in a specific order when iterated. Order of the attributes inside the class follows the inputs sequence. Any attribute set after class initialization will be placed at the end of attributes sequence (see examples). Parameters ---------- items : tuple1, tuple2, ... Any custom sequence of tuples with the attributes to set. Each tuple must be a (key, value) pair. Examples -------- >>> from secml.utils import OrderedFlexibleClass >>> c = OrderedFlexibleClass(('attr1', None), ('attr2', 5)) >>> print(tuple(attr for attr in c)) (None, 5) >>> c.attr3 = 123 >>> print(tuple(attr for attr in c)) (None, 5, 123) """ def __init__(self, *items): if len(items) == 0: raise ValueError("class must have at least one attribute.") if not all(isinstance(i, tuple) for i in items): raise TypeError("each attribute must be specified as a tuple of (key, value).") # List with attributes sequence (this provides the fixed order) self._params = [] # __setattr__ will store the attribute in `_params` and set its value for i in items: setattr(self, *i) @property def attr_order(self): """Returns a list specifing current attributes order.""" return self._params def __setattr__(self, key, value): """Set desired attribute and store the key in `_params`.""" # Register attribute only if new (skip service attribute _params) if key != '_params' and not hasattr(self, key): self._params.append(key) # Set attribute value in the standard way super(OrderedFlexibleClass, self).__setattr__(key, value) def __iter__(self): """Returns class attributes following a fixed order.""" for e in self._params: yield self.__dict__[e]
[docs]def check_is_fitted(obj, attributes, msg=None, check_all=True): """Check if the input object is trained (fitted). Checks if the input object is fitted by verifying if all or any of the input attributes are not None. Parameters ---------- obj : object Instance of the class to check. Must implement `.fit()` method. attributes : str or list of str Attribute or list of attributes to check. Es.: `['classes', 'n_features', ...], 'classes'` msg : str or None, optional If None, the default error message is: "this `{name}` is not trained. Call `.fit()` first.". For custom messages if '{name}' is present in the message string, it is substituted by the class name of the checked object. check_all : bool, optional Specify whether to check (True) if all of the given attributes are not None or (False) just any of them. Default True. Raises ------ NotFittedError If `check_all` is True and any of the attributes is None; if `check_all` is False and all of attributes are None. """ from secml.core.type_utils import is_list, is_str from secml.core.exceptions import NotFittedError if msg is None: msg = "this `{name}` is not trained. Call `.fit()` first." if not hasattr(obj, 'fit'): raise TypeError("`{:}` does not implement `.fit()`.".format(obj)) if is_str(attributes): attributes = [attributes] elif not is_list(attributes): raise TypeError( "the attribute(s) to check must be a string or a list of strings") condition = any if check_all is True else all if condition([getattr(obj, attr) is None for attr in attributes]): raise NotFittedError(msg.format(name=obj.__class__.__name__))