Source code for secml.optim.optimizers.c_optimizer_scipy

.. module:: COptimizerScipy
   :synopsis: Interface for function optimization and minimization

.. moduleauthor:: Battista Biggio <>
.. moduleauthor:: Marco Melis <>

from scipy import optimize as sc_opt
import six

from secml.array import CArray
from secml.optim.optimizers import COptimizer


[docs]class COptimizerScipy(COptimizer): """Implements optimizers from scipy. Attributes ---------- class_type : 'scipy-opt' """ __class_type = 'scipy-opt' def _bounds_to_scipy(self): """Converts bounds to scipy format. Returns ------- scipy.optimize.Bounds Bounds constraint in scipy-compatible format. """ if self.bounds is None: return None # Scalar or CArray lb = ub = self.bounds.ub # If bounds are vectors, transform to ndarray lb = lb.tondarray() if isinstance(lb, CArray) else lb ub = ub.tondarray() if isinstance(ub, CArray) else ub # return scipy bounds return sc_opt.Bounds(lb, ub)
[docs] def minimize(self, x_init, args=(), **kwargs): """Minimize function. Wrapper of `scipy.optimize.minimize`. Parameters ---------- x_init : CArray Init point. Dense flat array of real elements of size 'n', where 'n' is the number of independent variables. args : tuple, optional Extra arguments passed to the objective function and its derivatives (`fun`, `jac` and `hess` functions). The following can be passed as optional keyword arguments: method : str or callable, optional Type of solver. Should be one of - 'BFGS' :ref:`(see here) <optimize.minimize-bfgs>` - 'L-BFGS-B' :ref:`(see here) <optimize.minimize-lbfgsb>` If not given, chosen to be one of ``BFGS`` or ``L-BFGS-B`` depending if the problem has constraints or bounds. See `c_optimizer_scipy.SUPPORTED_METHODS` for the full list. jac : {'2-point', '3-point', 'cs', bool}, optional Method for computing the gradient vector. The function in `` will be used (if defined). Alternatively, the keywords {'2-point', '3-point', 'cs'} select a finite difference scheme for numerical estimation of the gradient. Options '3-point' and 'cs' are available only to 'trust-constr'. If `jac` is a Boolean and is True, `fun` is assumed to return the gradient along with the objective function. If False, the gradient will be estimated using '2-point' finite difference estimation. bounds : scipy.optimize.Bounds, optional A bound constraint in scipy.optimize format. If defined, bounds of `COptimizerScipy` will be ignored. tol : float, optional Tolerance for termination. For detailed control, use solver-specific options. options : dict, optional A dictionary of solver options. All methods accept the following generic options: - maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations to perform. - disp : bool Set to True to print convergence messages. Equivalent of setting `COptimizerScipy.verbose = 2`. For method-specific options, see :func:`show_options()`. Returns ------- x : CArray The solution of the optimization. Examples -------- >>> from secml.array import CArray >>> from secml.optim.optimizers import COptimizerScipy >>> from secml.optim.function import CFunctionRosenbrock >>> x_init = CArray([1.3, 0.7]) >>> opt = COptimizerScipy(CFunctionRosenbrock()) >>> x_opt = opt.minimize( ... x_init, method='BFGS', options={'gtol': 1e-6, 'disp': True}) Optimization terminated successfully. Current function value: 0.000000 Iterations: 32 Function evaluations: 39 Gradient evaluations: 39 >>> print(x_opt) CArray([1. 1.]) >>> print(opt.f_opt) 9.294383981640425e-19 """ if x_init.issparse is True or x_init.is_vector_like is False: raise ValueError("x0 must be a dense flat array") # reset fun and grad eval counts for both fun and f (by default fun==f) self._f.reset_eval() self._fun.reset_eval() # select method method = kwargs['method'] if 'method' in kwargs else None if method is None: # Only 'L-BFGS-B` supports bounds method = 'BFGS' if self.bounds is None else 'L-BFGS-B' # check if method is supported if method not in SUPPORTED_METHODS: raise NotImplementedError("selected method is not supported.") # set method kwargs['method'] = method # we're not supporting any solver with constraints at this stage if self.constr is not None: raise NotImplementedError("constraints are not supported.") # converting input parameters to scipy # 1) gradient (jac) jac = kwargs['jac'] if 'jac' in kwargs else self._fun.gradient_ndarray kwargs['jac'] = jac # 2) bounds bounds = kwargs['bounds'] if 'bounds' in kwargs else None if bounds is None: bounds = self._bounds_to_scipy() kwargs['bounds'] = bounds if self.verbose >= 2: # Override verbosity options kwargs['options']['disp'] = True # call minimize now sc_opt_out = sc_opt.minimize(self._fun.fun_ndarray, x_init.ravel().tondarray(), args=args, **kwargs) if not sc_opt_out.success: self.logger.warning( "Optimization has not exited successfully!\n") if self.verbose >= 1: # Workaround for scipy message randomly being a str or bytes if isinstance(sc_opt_out.message, six.string_types): + "\n") else:, 'ascii') + "\n") self._f_seq = CArray( # only last iter available self._x_opt = CArray(sc_opt_out.x) # check if point is valid # i.e., if the selected solver does not ignore the constraints if self.constr is not None and self.constr.is_violated(self.x_opt): self.logger.warning("Constraints are not satisfied. " "The scipy solver may be ignoring them.\n") if self.bounds is not None and self.bounds.is_violated(self.x_opt): self.logger.warning("Bounds are not satisfied. " "The scipy solver may be ignoring them.\n") return self.x_opt