Source code for secml.core.exceptions

.. module:: Exceptions
   :synopsis: Custom errors and warnings

.. moduleauthor:: Marco Melis <>


__all__ = ['NotFittedError']

[docs]class NotFittedError(ValueError, AttributeError): """Exception to raise if the object is used before training. This class inherits from both ValueError and AttributeError. Examples -------- >>> from import CClassifierSVM >>> from secml.array import CArray >>> from secml.core.exceptions import NotFittedError >>> try: ... CClassifierSVM().predict(CArray([[1, 2]])) ... except NotFittedError as e: ... print(repr(e)) ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS NotFittedError('this `CClassifierSVM` is not trained. Call `.fit()` first.',) """ pass