Source code for

.. module:: CClassifierRidge
   :synopsis: Ridge classifier

.. moduleauthor:: Ambra Demontis <>
.. moduleauthor:: Marco Melis <>

from sklearn.linear_model import RidgeClassifier

from import CClassifierLinear
from secml.array import CArray
from import CKernel
from import CClassifierGradientRidgeMixin
from import CLossSquare
from import CRegularizerL2
from secml.utils.mixed_utils import check_is_fitted

import warnings

[docs]class CClassifierRidge(CClassifierLinear, CClassifierGradientRidgeMixin): """Ridge Classifier. Parameters ---------- alpha : float, optional Regularization strength; must be a positive float. Regularization improves the conditioning of the problem and reduces the variance of the estimates. Larger values specify stronger regularization. Default 1.0. kernel : None or CKernel subclass, optional .. deprecated:: 0.12 Instance of a CKernel subclass to be used for computing similarity between patterns. If None (default), a linear SVM will be created. In the future this parameter will be removed from this classifier and kernels will have to be passed as preprocess. max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations for conjugate gradient solver. Default 1e5. class_weight : {dict, 'balanced', None}, optional Set the parameter C of class i to `class_weight[i] * C`. If not given (default), all classes are supposed to have weight one. The 'balanced' mode uses the values of labels to automatically adjust weights inversely proportional to class frequencies as `n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y))`. tol : float, optional Precision of the solution. Default 1e-4. fit_intercept : bool, optional If True (default), the intercept is calculated, else no intercept will be used in calculations (e.g. data is expected to be already centered). preprocess : CPreProcess or str or None, optional Features preprocess to be applied to input data. Can be a CPreProcess subclass or a string with the type of the desired preprocessor. If None, input data is used as is. Attributes ---------- class_type : 'ridge' """ __class_type = 'ridge' _loss = CLossSquare() _reg = CRegularizerL2() def __init__(self, alpha=1.0, kernel=None, max_iter=1e5, class_weight=None, tol=1e-4, fit_intercept=True, preprocess=None): # Calling the superclass init CClassifierLinear.__init__(self, preprocess=preprocess) # Classifier parameters self.alpha = alpha self.max_iter = max_iter self.tol = tol self.class_weight = class_weight self.fit_intercept = fit_intercept # Similarity function (bound) to use for computing features # Keep private (not a param of RIDGE) if kernel is not None: warnings.warn("`kernel` parameter in `CClassifierRidge` is " "deprecated from 0.12, in the future kernels will " "have to be passed as preprocess.", DeprecationWarning) self._kernel = kernel if kernel is None else CKernel.create(kernel) self._tr = None # slot for the training data
[docs] def is_kernel_linear(self): """Return True if the kernel is None or linear.""" if self.kernel is None or self.kernel.class_type == 'linear': return True return False
def _check_is_fitted(self): """Check if the classifier is trained (fitted). Raises ------ NotFittedError If the classifier is not fitted. """ if self._kernel is not None: check_is_fitted(self, '_tr') super(CClassifierRidge, self)._check_is_fitted() @property def kernel(self): """Kernel function.""" return self._kernel @kernel.setter def kernel(self, kernel): """Setting up the Kernel function (None if a linear classifier). This property is deprecated, as in the future kernel will have to be passed as preprocess.""" warnings.warn("`kernel` parameter in `CClassifierRidge` is " "deprecated from 0.12, in the future kernels will " "have to be passed as preprocess.", DeprecationWarning) self._kernel = kernel @property def alpha(self): """Returns the Constant that multiplies the regularization term.""" return self._alpha @alpha.setter def alpha(self, value): """Sets the Constant that multiplies the regularization term.""" self._alpha = float(value) @property def C(self): """Constant that multiplies the regularization term. Equal to 1 / alpha. """ return 1.0 / self.alpha @property def class_weight(self): """Weight of each training class.""" return self._class_weight @class_weight.setter def class_weight(self, value): """Sets the weight of each training class.""" if isinstance(value, dict) and len(value) != 2: raise ValueError("weight of positive (+1) and negative (0) " "classes only must be specified.") self._class_weight = value @property def tr(self): """Training set.""" return self._tr @property def n_tr_samples(self): """Returns the number of training samples.""" return self._tr.shape[0] if self._tr is not None else None def _fit(self, dataset): """Trains the One-Vs-All Ridge classifier. The following is a private method computing one single binary (2-classes) classifier of the OVA schema. Representation of each classifier attribute for the multiclass case is explained in corresponding property description. Parameters ---------- dataset : CDataset Binary (2-classes) training set. Must be a :class:`.CDataset` instance with patterns data and corresponding labels. Returns ------- trained_cls : classifier Instance of the used solver trained using input dataset. """ if dataset.num_classes != 2: raise ValueError("training can be performed on binary " "(2-classes) datasets only.") # Setting up classifier parameters ridge = RidgeClassifier(alpha=self.alpha, fit_intercept=self.fit_intercept, tol=self.tol, max_iter=self.max_iter, class_weight=self.class_weight, solver='auto') # Storing training dataset (only if required by kernel) self._tr = dataset.X if self._kernel is not None else None # Storing the training matrix for kernel mapping if self.is_kernel_linear(): # Training classifier, dataset.Y.tondarray()) else: # Training Ridge classifier with kernel mapping self.kernel.k(dataset.X)).get_data(), dataset.Y.tondarray()) # Updating global classifier parameters self._w = CArray(ridge.coef_, tosparse=dataset.issparse).ravel() self._b = CArray(ridge.intercept_)[0] if self.fit_intercept else 0 # TODO: this function can be removed when removing kernel support def _forward(self, x): """Computes the distance from the separating hyperplane for each pattern in x. The scores are computed in kernel space if kernel is defined. Parameters ---------- x : CArray Array with new patterns to classify, 2-Dimensional of shape (n_patterns, n_features). Returns ------- score : CArray Value of the decision function for each test pattern. Dense flat array of shape (n_samples,) if `y` is not None, otherwise a (n_samples, n_classes) array. """ # Compute decision function in kernel space if necessary k = x if self.is_kernel_linear() else \ CArray(self.kernel.k(x, self._tr)) # Scores are given by the linear model return CClassifierLinear._forward(self, k) def _backward(self, w=None): """Computes the gradient of the linear classifier's decision function wrt decision function input. For linear classifiers, the gradient wrt the input x is equal to the weight vector w, regardless of x. Parameters ---------- x : CArray or None, optional The gradient is computed in the neighborhood of x. y : int, optional Binary index of the class wrt the gradient must be computed. Default is 1, corresponding to the positive class. Returns ------- gradient : CArray The gradient of the linear classifier's decision function wrt decision function input. Vector-like array. """ if self.is_kernel_linear(): # Simply return w for a linear Ridge gradient = self.w.ravel() else: self.kernel.reference_samples = self._tr gradient = self.kernel.gradient(self._cached_x).atleast_2d() # Few shape check to ensure broadcasting works correctly if gradient.shape != (self._tr.shape[0], self.n_features): raise ValueError("Gradient shape must be ({:}, {:})".format( self._cached_x.shape[0], self.n_features)) w_2d = self.w.atleast_2d() if gradient.issparse is True: # To ensure the sparse dot is used w_2d = w_2d.tosparse() if w_2d.shape != (1, self._tr.shape[0]): raise ValueError( "Weight vector shape must be ({:}, {:}) " "or ravel equivalent".format(1, self._tr.shape[0])) gradient = # Gradient sign depends on input label (0/1) if w is not None: return w[0] * -gradient + w[1] * gradient else: raise ValueError("w cannot be set as None.")