Source code for secml.optim.function.c_function

.. module:: CFunction
   :synopsis: Wrapper to manage a function and its gradient

.. moduleauthor:: Marco Melis <>
.. moduleauthor:: Battista Biggio <>

from scipy import optimize as sc_opt

from secml.core import CCreator
from secml.array import CArray
from secml.core.constants import eps

[docs]class CFunction(CCreator): """Class that handles generic mathematical functions. Either a function or its gradient can be passed in. Number of expected space dimensions can be specified if applicable. Parameters ---------- fun : callable or None Any python callable. Required if `gradient` is None. gradient : callable or None Any python callable that returns the gradient of `fun`. Required if `fun` is None. n_dim : int or None, optional Expected space dimensions. Attributes ---------- class_type : 'generic' """ __super__ = 'CFunction' __class_type = 'generic' def __init__(self, fun=None, gradient=None, n_dim=None): if fun is None and gradient is None: raise ValueError("either `fun` or `gradient` must be passed in.") if fun is not None: # sets function self._fun = fun if gradient is not None: # sets gradient of function self._gradient = gradient # sets expected number of dimensions of input `x` self._n_dim = n_dim # Counters for fun/grad evaluations self._n_fun_eval = 0 self._n_grad_eval = 0 @property def n_fun_eval(self): """Returns the number of function evaluations.""" return self._n_fun_eval @property def n_grad_eval(self): """Returns the number of gradient evaluations.""" return self._n_grad_eval
[docs] def reset_eval(self): """Reset the count of function and gradient of function evaluations.""" self._n_fun_eval = 0 self._n_grad_eval = 0
@property def n_dim(self): """Returns the expected function's space dimensions.""" return self._n_dim def _check_ndim(self, x): """Check if input has the expected dimension.""" n_dim = x.atleast_2d().shape[1] if self.n_dim is not None and n_dim != self.n_dim: raise ValueError( "unexpected dimension of input. " "Got {:}, expected {:}".format(n_dim, self.n_dim))
[docs] def fun(self, x, *args, **kwargs): """Evaluates function on x. Parameters ---------- x : CArray Argument of fun. args, kwargs Other optional parameter of the function. Returns ------- out_fun : scalar or CArray Function output, scalar or CArray depending on the inner function. """ self._check_ndim(x) out_fun = self._fun(x, *args, **kwargs) self._n_fun_eval += x.atleast_2d().shape[0] return out_fun
[docs] def fun_ndarray(self, x, *args, **kwargs): """Evaluates function on x (ndarray). Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray Argument of fun as ndarray. args, kwargs Other optional parameter of the function. Returns ------- out_fun : scalar or CArray Function output, scalar or CArray depending on the inner function. """ return, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def gradient(self, x, *args, **kwargs): """Evaluates gradient of function at point x. Parameters ---------- x : CArray Argument of gradient. Single point. args, kwargs Other optional parameter of the function. Returns ------- out_grad : CArray Array with gradient output. """ if not x.is_vector_like: raise ValueError("input of gradient must be a single point.") self._check_ndim(x) out_grad = self._gradient(x, *args, **kwargs) if not isinstance(out_grad, CArray): raise TypeError("`_gradient` must return a CArray!") self._n_grad_eval += 1 return out_grad
[docs] def gradient_ndarray(self, x, *args, **kwargs): """Evaluates gradient of function at point x (ndarray). Parameters ---------- x : ndarray Argument of gradient. args, kwargs Other optional parameter of the function. Returns ------- out_grad : ndarray Array with gradient output. """ return self.gradient(CArray(x), *args, **kwargs).tondarray()
[docs] def has_fun(self): """True if function has been set.""" return True if hasattr(self, '_fun') else False
[docs] def has_gradient(self): """True if gradient has been set.""" return True if hasattr(self, '_gradient') else False
[docs] def is_equal(self, x, val, tol=1e-6): """Evaluates if function value is close to `val` within tol.""" return True if abs(float( - val) <= tol else False
[docs] def approx_fprime(self, x, epsilon, *args, **kwargs): """Finite-difference approximation of the gradient of a scalar function. Wrapper for scipy function :func:`scipy.optimize.approx_fprime`. Parameters ---------- x : CArray The flat dense vector with the point at which to determine the gradient of `fun`. epsilon : scalar or CArray Increment of `x` to use for determining the function gradient. If a scalar, uses the same finite difference delta for all partial derivatives. If an array, should contain one value per element of `x`. args, kwargs Any other arguments that are to be passed to `fun`. Returns ------- grad : CArray The gradient of `fun` at `x`. See Also -------- check_grad : Check correctness of function gradient against :meth:`approx_fprime`. Notes ----- The function gradient is determined by the forward finite difference formula:: fun(xk[i] + epsilon[i]) - f(xk[i]) fun'[i] = ----------------------------------- epsilon[i] The main use of `approx_fprime` is to determine numerically the Jacobian of a function. Examples -------- >>> from secml.array import CArray >>> from secml.optim.function import CFunction >>> from secml.core.constants import eps >>> def func(x, c0, c1): ... "Coordinate vector `x` should be an array of size two." ... return c0 * x[0]**2 + c1*x[1]**2 >>> c0, c1 = (1, 200) >>> CFunction(func).approx_fprime(CArray.ones(2), [eps, (200 ** 0.5) * eps], c0, c1=c1) CArray(2,)(dense: [ 2. 400.000042]) """ if x.issparse is True or x.is_vector_like is False: raise ValueError("x0 must be a dense flat array") self._check_ndim(x) # double casting to always have a CArray xk_ndarray = CArray(x).ravel().tondarray() epsilon = epsilon.tondarray() if \ isinstance(epsilon, CArray) else epsilon # approx_fprime expects a scalar as output of fun def fun_ndarray(xk, f_args, f_kwargs): out_fun = self.fun_ndarray(xk, *f_args, **f_kwargs) if isinstance(out_fun, CArray) and out_fun.size == 1: return out_fun.item() # return scalar return out_fun # already scalar return CArray(sc_opt.approx_fprime( xk_ndarray, fun_ndarray, epsilon, args, kwargs))
[docs] def check_grad(self, x, epsilon, *args, **kwargs): """Check the correctness of a gradient function by comparing it against a (forward) finite-difference approximation of the gradient. Parameters ---------- x : CArray Flat dense pattern to check function gradient against forward difference approximation of function gradient. epsilon : scalar or CArray Increment of `x` to use for determining the function gradient. If a scalar, uses the same finite difference delta for all partial derivatives. If an array, should contain one value per element of `x`. args, kwargs Extra arguments passed to `fun` and `fprime`. Returns ------- err : float The square root of the sum of squares (i.e. the l2-norm) of the difference between ``fprime(x, *args)`` and the finite difference approximation of `fprime` at the points `x`. Notes ----- `epsilon` is the only keyword argument accepted by the function. Any other optional argument for `fun` and `fprime` should be passed as non-keyword. See Also -------- approx_fprime : Finite-difference approximation of the gradient of a scalar function. Examples -------- >>> from secml.optim.function import CFunction >>> from secml.array import CArray >>> def func(x): ... return x[0].item()**2 - 0.5 * x[1].item()**3 >>> def grad(x): ... return CArray([2 * x[0].item(), -1.5 * x[1].item()**2]) >>> fun = CFunction(func, grad) >>> fun.check_grad(CArray([1.5, -1.5]), epsilon=1e-8) 7.817837928307533e-08 """ if x.issparse is True or x.is_vector_like is False: raise ValueError("x0 must be a dense flat array") self._check_ndim(x) # real value of the gradient on x grad = self.gradient(x, *args, **kwargs) # value of the approximated gradient on x approx = self.approx_fprime(x, epsilon, *args, **kwargs) return (grad - approx).norm()