Source code for

.. module:: CClassifierSVM
   :synopsis: Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier

.. moduleauthor:: Battista Biggio <>

from sklearn.svm import SVC

from secml.array import CArray
from import CClassifier
from import convert_binary_labels
from import CKernel
from import CLossHinge
from secml.parallel import parfor2

def _fit_one_ova(tr_class_idx, svm, x, y, svc_kernel, verbose):
    """Fit a OVA classifier.

    tr_class_idx : int
        Index of the label against which the classifier should be trained.
    svm : CClassifierSVM
        Instance of the multiclass SVM classifier.
    x : CArray
        Array to be used for training with shape (n_samples, n_features).
    y : CArray
        Array of shape (n_samples,) containing the class labels.
    verbose : int
        Verbosity level of the logger.

    # Resetting verbosity level. This is needed as objects
    # change id  when passed to subprocesses and our logging
    # level is stored per-object looking to id
    svm.verbose = verbose
        "Training against class: {:}".format(tr_class_idx))

    # Binarize labels
    y_ova = CArray(y == svm.classes[tr_class_idx])

    # Training the one-vs-all classifier
    svc = SVC(C=svm.C, kernel=svc_kernel, class_weight=svm.class_weight), y_ova.get_data())

    # Assign output based on kernel type
    w = CArray(svc.coef_.ravel()) if svm.kernel is None else None
    sv_idx = CArray(svc.support_).ravel() if svm.kernel is not None else None
    alpha = CArray(svc.dual_coef_) if svm.kernel is not None else None

    # Intercept is always available
    b = CArray(svc.intercept_[0])[0]

    return w, sv_idx, alpha, b

[docs]class CClassifierSVM(CClassifier): """Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. Parameters ---------- C : float, optional Penalty hyper-parameter C of the error term. Default 1.0. kernel : None or CKernel subclass, optional Instance of a CKernel subclass to be used for computing similarity between patterns. If None (default), a linear SVM is trained in the primal; otherwise an SVM is trained in the dual, using the precomputed kernel values. class_weight : {dict, 'balanced', None}, optional Set the parameter C of class i to `class_weight[i] * C`. If not given (default), all classes are supposed to have weight one. The 'balanced' mode uses the values of labels to automatically adjust weights inversely proportional to class frequencies as `n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y))`. preprocess : CModule or str or None, optional Features preprocess to be applied to input data. Can be a CPreProcess subclass or a string with the type of the desired preprocessor. If None, input data is used as is. n_jobs : int, optional Number of parallel workers to use for the classifier. Cannot be higher than processor's number of cores. Default is 1. Attributes ---------- class_type : 'svm' Notes ----- Current implementation relies on :class:`sklearn.svm.SVC` for the training step. See Also -------- CKernel : Pairwise kernels and metrics. """ __class_type = 'svm' _loss = CLossHinge() def __init__(self, C=1.0, kernel=None, class_weight=None, preprocess=None, n_jobs=1): # calling the superclass init CClassifier.__init__(self, preprocess=preprocess, n_jobs=n_jobs) # Classifier hyperparameters self.C = C self.class_weight = class_weight # After-training attributes self._w = None self._b = None self._alpha = None self._sv_idx = None # idx of SVs in TR data (only for binary SVM) self._kernel = None if kernel is not None: self._kernel = CKernel.create(kernel) # set pre-processing chain as svm <- kernel <- preprocess self._kernel.preprocess = self.preprocess self._preprocess = self._kernel @property def sv_idx(self): """Indices of Support Vectors within the training dataset.""" return self._sv_idx @property def kernel(self): """Kernel type (None or string).""" return self._kernel @property def class_weight(self): """Weight of each training class.""" return self._class_weight @class_weight.setter def class_weight(self, value): """Sets the weight of each training class. Parameters ---------- value : {dict, 'balanced', None} Set the parameter C of class i to `class_weight[i] * C`. If None, all classes are supposed to have weight one. The 'auto' mode uses the values of labels to automatically adjust weights inversely proportional to class frequencies as `n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y))`. """ # TODO we can have one weight per class but only for OVO if isinstance(value, dict) and len(value) != 2: raise ValueError("weight of positive (+1) and negative (0) " "classes only must be specified.") self._class_weight = value @property def w(self): return self._w @property def b(self): return self._b @property def alpha(self): """Signed coefficients of the SVs in the decision function.""" return self._alpha @property def C(self): """Penalty parameter C of the error term.""" return self._C @C.setter def C(self, value): """Set the penalty parameter C of the error term. Parameters ---------- value : float Penalty parameter C of the error term. """ self._C = float(value) def _fit(self, x, y): """Trains the One-Vs-All SVM classifier. Parameters ---------- x : CArray Array to be used for training with shape (n_samples, n_features). y : CArray Array of shape (n_samples,) containing the class labels (2-classes only). Returns ------- CClassifierSVM Trained classifier. """ "Training SVM with parameters: {:}".format(self.get_params())) # reset training self._w = None self._b = None self._alpha = None self._sv_idx = None # shape of w or alpha n_rows = self.n_classes if self.n_classes > 2 else 1 n_cols = x.shape[1] # initialize params if self.kernel is None: # no kernel pre-processing, training in the primal svc_kernel = 'linear' self._w = CArray.zeros(shape=(n_rows, n_cols)) else: # inputs are kernel values, training in the dual svc_kernel = 'precomputed' self._alpha = CArray.zeros(shape=(n_rows, n_cols), sparse=True) self._b = CArray.zeros(shape=(self.n_classes,)) if self.n_classes > 2: # fit OVA self._fit_one_vs_all(x, y, svc_kernel) else: # fit binary self._fit_binary(x, y, svc_kernel) # remove unused support vectors from kernel if self.kernel is not None: # trained in the dual sv = abs(self._alpha).sum(axis=0) > 0 self.kernel.rv = self.kernel.rv[sv, :] self._alpha = self._alpha[:, sv] self._sv_idx = CArray(sv.find(sv > 0)).ravel() # store SV indices return self def _fit_one_vs_all(self, x, y, svc_kernel): # ova (but we can also implement ovo - let's do separate functions) out = parfor2(_fit_one_ova, self.n_classes, self.n_jobs, self, x, y, svc_kernel, self.verbose) # Building results for i in range(self.n_classes): out_i = out[i] if self.kernel is None: self._w[i, :] = out_i[0] else: self._alpha[i, out_i[1]] = out_i[2] self._b[i] = out_i[3] def _fit_binary(self, x, y, svc_kernel): svc = SVC(C=self.C, kernel=svc_kernel, class_weight=self.class_weight) if svc_kernel == 'precomputed': # training on sparse precomputed kernels is not supported, y.get_data()) else:, y.get_data()) if self.kernel is None: self._w = CArray(svc.coef_) else: sv_idx = CArray(svc.support_).ravel() self._alpha[sv_idx] = CArray(svc.dual_coef_) self._b = CArray(svc.intercept_[0])[0] def _forward(self, x): """Compute decision function for SVMs, proportional to the distance of x to the separating hyperplane. For non linear SVM, the kernel between input patterns and Support Vectors is computed and then the inner product of the resulting array with the alphas is calculated. Parameters ---------- x : CArray Array with new patterns to classify, 2-Dimensional of shape (n_patterns, n_features) or (n_patterns, n_sv) if kernel is used. Returns ------- score : CArray Value of the decision function for each test pattern. Dense flat array of shape (n_samples,) if `y` is not None, otherwise a (n_samples, n_classes) array. """ v = self.w if self.kernel is None else self.alpha score = CArray( + self.b if self.n_classes > 2: # return current score matrix scores = score else: # concatenate scores scores = CArray.ones(shape=(x.shape[0], self.n_classes)) scores[:, 0] = -score.ravel().T scores[:, 1] = score.ravel().T return scores def _backward(self, w): v = self.w if self.kernel is None else self.alpha if self.n_classes > 2: return else: return w[0] * -v + w[1] * v # --------------- OTHER GRADIENTS ---------------- def _sv_margin(self, tol=1e-6): """Return the margin support vectors.""" if self.n_classes > 2: raise ValueError("SVM is not binary!") assert (self.kernel.rv.shape[0] == self.alpha.shape[1]) alpha = self.alpha.todense() s = alpha.find( (abs(alpha) >= tol) * (abs(alpha) <= self.C - tol)) if len(s) > 0: return self.kernel.rv[s, :], CArray(s) else: # no margin SVs return None, None def _kernel_function(self, x, z=None): """Compute kernel matrix between x and z, without pre-processing.""" # clone kernel removing rv and pre-processing kernel_params = self.kernel.get_params() kernel_params.pop('preprocess') # detach preprocess and rv kernel_params.pop('rv') kernel_params.pop('n_jobs') # TODO: not accepted by kernel constructor kernel = CKernel.create(self.kernel.class_type, **kernel_params) z = z if z is not None else x return kernel.k(x, z)
[docs] def hessian_tr_params(self, x=None, y=None): """ Hessian of the training objective w.r.t. the classifier parameters. """ xs, _ = self._sv_margin() # these points are already normalized s = xs.shape[0] H = CArray.ones(shape=(s + 1, s + 1)) H[:s, :s] = self._kernel_function(xs) H[-1, -1] = 0 return H
[docs] def grad_f_params(self, x, y=1): """Derivative of the decision function w.r.t. alpha and b Parameters ---------- x : CArray Samples on which the training objective is computed. y : int Index of the class wrt the gradient must be computed. """ xs, _ = self._sv_margin() # these points are already preprocessed if xs is None: self.logger.debug("Warning: sv_margin is empty " "(all points are error vectors).") return None s = xs.shape[0] # margin support vector k = x.shape[0] Ksk_ext = CArray.ones(shape=(s + 1, k)) sv = self.kernel.rv # store and recover current sv set self.kernel.rv = xs Ksk_ext[:s, :] = self.kernel.forward(x).T # x and xs are preprocessed self.kernel.rv = sv return convert_binary_labels(y) * Ksk_ext # (s + 1) * k
[docs] def grad_loss_params(self, x, y, loss=None): """ Derivative of the loss w.r.t. the classifier parameters (alpha, b) dL / d_params = dL / df * df / d_params Parameters ---------- x : CArray Features of the dataset on which the loss is computed. y : CArray Labels of the training samples. loss: None (default) or CLoss If the loss is equal to None (default) the classifier loss is used to compute the derivative. """ if loss is None: loss = self._loss # compute the loss derivative w.r.t. alpha f_params = self.grad_f_params(x) # (s + 1) * n_samples scores = self.decision_function(x) dL_s = loss.dloss(y, score=scores).atleast_2d() dL_params = dL_s * f_params # (s + 1) * n_samples grad = self.C * dL_params return grad
[docs] def grad_tr_params(self, x, y): """Derivative of the classifier training objective w.r.t. the classifier parameters. dL / d_params = dL / df * df / d_params + dReg / d_params Parameters ---------- x : CArray Features of the dataset on which the loss is computed. y : CArray Features of the training samples """ grad = self.grad_loss_params(x, y) # (s+1) * n_samples # compute the regularizer derivative w.r.t alpha xs, idx = self._sv_margin() k = self._kernel_function(xs) d_reg = 2 *[idx].T) # s * 1 # add the regularizer to the gradient of the alphas s = idx.size grad[:s, :] += d_reg return grad # (s+1) * n_samples