Source code for secml.optim.optimizers.c_optimizer_pgd

.. module:: COptimizerPGD
   :synopsis: Optimizer using Projected Gradient Descent

.. moduleauthor:: Battista Biggio <>
.. moduleauthor:: Ambra Demontis <>

from secml.array import CArray
from secml.optim.optimizers import COptimizer

[docs]class COptimizerPGD(COptimizer): """Solves the following problem: min f(x) s.t. d(x,x0) <= dmax x_lb <= x <= x_ub f(x) is the objective function (either linear or nonlinear), d(x,x0) <= dmax is a distance constraint in feature space (l1 or l2), and x_lb <= x <= x_ub is a box constraint on x. The solution algorithm is based on the classic gradient descent algorithm. Attributes ---------- class_type : 'pgd' """ __class_type = 'pgd' def __init__(self, fun, constr=None, bounds=None, eta=1e-3, eps=1e-4, max_iter=200): COptimizer.__init__(self, fun=fun, constr=constr, bounds=bounds) # Read/write attributes self.eta = eta # gradient step size self.max_iter = max_iter # maximum number of iterations self.eps = eps # tolerance value for stop criterion ########################################################################### # READ/WRITE ATTRIBUTES ########################################################################### @property def eta(self): """Return gradient descent step""" return self._eta @eta.setter def eta(self, value): """Set gradient descent step""" self._eta = float(value) @property def max_iter(self): """Returns the maximum number of gradient descent iteration""" return self._max_iter @max_iter.setter def max_iter(self, value): """Set the maximum number of gradient descent iteration""" self._max_iter = int(value) @property def eps(self): """Return tolerance value for stop criterion""" return self._eps @eps.setter def eps(self, value): """Set tolerance value for stop criterion""" self._eps = float(value) ############################################# # METHODS ############################################# def _return_best_solution(self, i): """Return the best solution among the ones found up to iteration i. Parameters ---------- i : int Index of the current iteration. Returns ------- x_opt : CArray Best point found so far. """ f_seq = self.f_seq[:i] best_sol_idx = f_seq.argmin() self._x_seq = self.x_seq[:best_sol_idx + 1, :] self._f_seq = self.f_seq[:best_sol_idx + 1] self._x_opt = self._x_seq[-1, :] return self._x_opt
[docs] def minimize(self, x_init, args=(), **kwargs): """Interface to minimizers. Implements: min fun(x) s.t. constraint Parameters ---------- x_init : CArray The initial input point. args : tuple, optional Extra arguments passed to the objective function and its gradient. Returns ------- f_seq : CArray Array containing values of f during optimization. x_seq : CArray Array containing values of x during optimization. """ if len(kwargs) != 0: raise ValueError( "{:} does not accept additional parameters.".format( self.__class__.__name__)) # reset fun and grad eval counts for both fun and f (by default fun==f) self._f.reset_eval() self._fun.reset_eval() # constr.radius = 0, exit if self.constr is not None and self.constr.radius == 0: # classify x0 and return x0 = if self.bounds is not None and self.bounds.is_violated(x0): import warnings warnings.warn( "x0 " + str(x0) + " is outside of the given bounds.", category=RuntimeWarning) self._x_seq = CArray.zeros((1, x0.size), sparse=x0.issparse, dtype=x0.dtype) self._f_seq = CArray.zeros(1) self._x_seq[0, :] = x0 self._f_seq[0] =, *args) self._x_opt = x0 return x0 # if x is outside of the feasible domain, project it if self.bounds is not None and self.bounds.is_violated(x_init): x_init = self.bounds.projection(x_init) if self.constr is not None and self.constr.is_violated(x_init): x_init = self.constr.projection(x_init) if (self.bounds is not None and self.bounds.is_violated(x_init)) or \ (self.constr is not None and self.constr.is_violated(x_init)): raise ValueError( "x_init " + str(x_init) + " is outside of feasible domain.") self._x_seq = CArray.zeros( (self._max_iter, x_init.size), sparse=x_init.issparse) self._f_seq = CArray.zeros(self._max_iter) x = x_init.deepcopy() i = 0 for i in range(self._max_iter): self._x_seq[i, :] = x self._f_seq[i] =, *args) if i > 0 and abs(self.f_seq[i - 1] - self.f_seq[i]) < self.eps: self.logger.debug("Flat region, exiting... {:} {:}".format( self._f_seq[i], self._f_seq[i - 1])) return self._return_best_solution(i) if i > 10 and abs(self.f_seq[i - 5:i].mean() - self.f_seq[i - 10:i - 5].mean()) < self.eps: self.logger.debug( "Flat region over 10 iterations, exiting... {:} {:}".format( self.f_seq[i - 3:i].mean(), self.f_seq[i - 6:i - 3].mean())) return self._return_best_solution(i) grad = self._fun.gradient(x, *args) # debugging information self.logger.debug( 'Iter.: ' + str(i) + ', f(x): ' + str(self._f_seq[i].item()) + ', |df/dx|: ' + str(grad.norm())) # make a step into the deepest descent direction x -= self.eta * grad # project x onto the feasible domain if self.constr is not None and self.constr.is_violated(x): x = self.constr.projection(x) if self.bounds is not None and self.bounds.is_violated(x): x = self.bounds.projection(x) return self._return_best_solution(i)