Source code for secml.adv.attacks.evasion.foolbox.c_attack_evasion_foolbox

.. module:: CAttackEvasionFoolbox
    :synopsis: Performs one of the Foolbox Evasion attacks
                against a classifier.

.. moduleauthor:: Luca Demetrio <>
.. moduleauthor:: Maura Pintor <>

import eagerpy as ep
import foolbox as fb
import torch
from eagerpy import PyTorchTensor
from numpy import NaN

from secml.adv.attacks.evasion import CAttackEvasion
from secml.adv.attacks.evasion.foolbox.secml_autograd import \
    SecmlLayer, as_tensor, as_carray
from secml.array import CArray
from secml.core.constants import inf
from secml.settings import SECML_PYTORCH_USE_CUDA

use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() and SECML_PYTORCH_USE_CUDA

[docs]class CAttackEvasionFoolbox(CAttackEvasion): """ Wrapper for the attack classes in Foolbox library. Credits: Requires foolbox >= 3.3.0. Parameters ---------- classifier : CClassifier Trained secml classifier. y_target : int or None, optional If None an indiscriminate attack will be performed, else a targeted attack to have the samples misclassified as belonging to the y_target class. lb : float or None, optional Lower bound of the model's input space. ub : float or None, optional Upper bound of the model's input space. epsilons : float or None, optional The maximum size of the perturbations, required for the fixed epsilon foolbox attacks. fb_attack_class : fb.attacks.Attack Attack class to wrap from Foolbox. **attack_params : any Init parameters for creating the attack, as kwargs. """ __class_type = 'e-foolbox' def __init__(self, classifier, y_target=None, lb=0.0, ub=1.0, epsilons=None, fb_attack_class=None, **attack_params): super(CAttackEvasionFoolbox, self).__init__( classifier=classifier, y_target=y_target) self.attack_params = attack_params self.attack_class = fb_attack_class = lb self.ub = ub # wraps secml classifier in a pytorch layer self._pytorch_model_wrapper = SecmlLayer(classifier) # wraps the pytorch model in the foolbox pytorch wrapper self.f_model = _FoolboxModel(self._pytorch_model_wrapper, bounds=(lb, ub)) self._last_f_eval = None self._last_grad_eval = None self._n_classes = self.classifier.n_classes self._n_feats = self.classifier.n_features self.epsilon = epsilons self.dmax = epsilons if epsilons is not None else inf self.attack = self.attack_class(**self.attack_params) def _run(self, x, y, x_init=None): self.f_model.reset() if self.y_target is None: criterion = fb.criteria.Misclassification( as_tensor(y.ravel().astype('int64'))) else: criterion = fb.criteria.TargetedMisclassification( torch.tensor([self.y_target])) x_t = as_tensor(x, requires_grad=False) advx, clipped, is_adv = self.attack( self.f_model, x_t, criterion, epsilons=self.epsilon) if isinstance(clipped, list): if len(clipped) == 1: clipped = x[0] else: raise ValueError( "This attack is returning a list. Please," "use a single value of epsilon.") # f_opt is computed only in class-specific wrappers f_opt = NaN self._last_f_eval = self.f_model.f_eval self._last_grad_eval = self.f_model.grad_eval path = self.f_model.x_path self._x_seq = CArray(path.numpy()) # reset again to clean cached data self.f_model.reset() return as_carray(clipped), f_opt
[docs] def objective_function(self, x): return as_carray(self._adv_objective_function(as_tensor(x)))
[docs] def objective_function_gradient(self, x): x_t = as_tensor(x).detach() x_t.requires_grad_() loss = self._adv_objective_function(x_t) loss.sum().backward() gradient = x_t.grad return as_carray(gradient)
def _adv_objective_function(self, x): raise NotImplementedError( "Objective Function and Objective Function Gradient " "are not supported with this constructor. Please, " "use one of our wrapper-supported attacks.") @property def x_seq(self): return self._x_seq @property def f_eval(self): if self._last_f_eval is not None: return self._last_f_eval else: raise RuntimeError("Attack not run yet!") @property def grad_eval(self): if self._last_grad_eval is not None: return self._last_grad_eval else: raise RuntimeError("Attack not run yet!")
class _FoolboxModel(fb.models.PyTorchModel): """Wraps a model and tracks function calls.""" def __init__(self, model, bounds, store_path=True): self._original_model = model self._f_eval = 0 self._grad_eval = 0 self._store_path = store_path self._x_path = [] if not isinstance(model, torch.nn.Module): raise ValueError( "expected model to be a torch.nn.Module instance") device = 'cuda' if use_cuda else 'cpu' super().__init__( model, bounds=bounds, preprocessing=None, device=device, ) self.data_format = "channels_first" @property def bounds(self): return self._bounds @property def x_path(self): path = ep.concatenate(self._x_path, axis=0) return path[:-1, ...] # removes last point @property def f_eval(self): return self._original_model.func_counter.item() @property def grad_eval(self): return self._original_model.grad_counter.item() def __call__(self, x, *args, **kwargs): x_t = x.raw.type(torch.float) scores = self._model(x_t) if self._store_path is True: self._x_path.append(x) return PyTorchTensor(scores) def reset(self): """Resets the query counter.""" self._original_model.func_counter.zero_() self._original_model.grad_counter.zero_() if self._store_path is True: self._x_path = list()