Source code for secml.adv.attacks.evasion.foolbox.fb_attacks.fb_fgm_attack

.. module:: CFoolboxFGM
    :synopsis: Performs Foolbox FGM attack.

.. moduleauthor:: Giovanni Manca <>
.. moduleauthor:: Luca Demetrio <>
.. moduleauthor:: Maura Pintor <>


from foolbox.attacks.fast_gradient_method import L1FastGradientAttack, L2FastGradientAttack, LinfFastGradientAttack

from secml.adv.attacks.evasion.foolbox.c_attack_evasion_foolbox import CAttackEvasionFoolbox
from secml.adv.attacks.evasion.foolbox.losses.ce_loss import CELoss
from secml.adv.attacks.evasion.foolbox.secml_autograd import as_tensor

DISTANCES = ['l1', 'l2', 'linf']

[docs]class CFoolboxFGM(CELoss, CAttackEvasionFoolbox): """ Fast Gradient Method Attack [Goodfellow14]_. Credits: Parameters ---------- classifier : CClassifier Trained secml classifier. y_target : int or None, optional If None an indiscriminate attack will be performed, else a targeted attack to have the samples misclassified as belonging to the y_target class. lb : float or None, optional Lower bound of the model's input space. ub : float or None, optional Upper bound of the model's input space. epsilons : float or None, optional The maximum size of the perturbations, required for the fixed epsilon foolbox attacks. distance : str, optional Norm of the attack. One of 'l1', 'l2', 'linf'. random_start : bool, optional Whether the perturbation is initialized randomly or starts at zero. References ---------- .. [Goodfellow14] Ian J. Goodfellow, Jonathon Shlens, Christian Szegedy "Explaining and Harnessing Adversarial Examples" """ __class_type = 'e-foolbox-fgm' def __init__(self, classifier, y_target=None, lb=0.0, ub=1.0, epsilons=0.2, distance='l2', random_start=True): if distance == 'l1': attack = L1FastGradientAttack elif distance == 'l2': attack = L2FastGradientAttack elif distance == 'linf': attack = LinfFastGradientAttack else: raise ValueError('Distance {} is not supported for this attack. Only {} are supported'.format( distance, DISTANCES )) super(CFoolboxFGM, self).__init__(classifier, y_target, lb=lb, ub=ub, fb_attack_class=attack, epsilons=epsilons, random_start=random_start) self._y0 = None self.distance = distance def _run(self, x, y, x_init=None): self._y0 = as_tensor(y) out, _ = super(CFoolboxFGM, self)._run(x, y, x_init) self._f_seq = self.objective_function(out) f_opt = self._f_seq[-1] return out, f_opt
[docs]class CFoolboxFGML1(CFoolboxFGM): __class_type = 'e-foolbox-fgm-l1' def __init__(self, classifier, y_target=None, lb=0.0, ub=1.0, epsilons=0.2, random_start=True): super(CFoolboxFGML1, self).__init__(classifier, y_target, lb=lb, ub=ub, distance='l1', epsilons=epsilons, random_start=random_start)
[docs]class CFoolboxFGML2(CFoolboxFGM): __class_type = 'e-foolbox-fgm-l2' def __init__(self, classifier, y_target=None, lb=0.0, ub=1.0, epsilon=0.2, random_start=True): super(CFoolboxFGML2, self).__init__(classifier, y_target, lb=lb, ub=ub, distance='l2', epsilons=epsilon, random_start=random_start)
[docs]class CFoolboxFGMLinf(CFoolboxFGM): __class_type = 'e-foolbox-fgm-linf' def __init__(self, classifier, y_target=None, lb=0.0, ub=1.0, epsilon=0.2, random_start=True): super(CFoolboxFGMLinf, self).__init__(classifier, y_target, lb=lb, ub=ub, distance='linf', epsilons=epsilon, random_start=random_start)