Source code for

.. module:: DataLoaderCIFAR
   :synopsis: Loader the CIFAR tiny images datasets

.. moduleauthor:: Marco Melis <>

import tarfile
from multiprocessing import Lock
import pickle

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import numpy as np

from import CDataLoader
from import CDataset, CDatasetHeader
from secml.utils import fm
from secml.utils.download_utils import dl_file, md5
from secml.settings import SECML_DS_DIR

CIFAR10_MD5 = 'c58f30108f718f92721af3b95e74349a'
CIFAR100_MD5 = 'eb9058c3a382ffc7106e4002c42a8d85'

CIFAR_PATH = fm.join(SECML_DS_DIR, 'cifar')
CIFAR10_PATH = fm.join(CIFAR_PATH, 'cifar-10-batches-py')
CIFAR100_PATH = fm.join(CIFAR_PATH, 'cifar-100-python')

[docs]class CDataLoaderCIFAR(CDataLoader, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Loads the CIFAR tiny images datasets. Available at: """ __lock = Lock() # Lock to prevent multiple parallel download/extraction def __init__(self): # Extract the name of the data file from the url self.data_file = self.data_url.split('/')[-1] # Path to the downloaded dataset file data_file_path = fm.join(CIFAR_PATH, self.data_file) with CDataLoaderCIFAR.__lock: # Download (if needed) data and extract it if not fm.file_exist(data_file_path) or \ md5(data_file_path) != self.data_md5: self._get_data(self.data_url, CIFAR_PATH) elif not fm.folder_exist(self.data_path): # Downloaded datafile seems valid, extract only self._get_data(self.data_url, CIFAR_PATH, extract_only=True) @property @abstractmethod def data_url(self): """URL of the datafile. Specific for each dataset type. Returns ------- str URL of the remote datafile with dataset data. """ raise NotImplementedError @property @abstractmethod def data_md5(self): """MD5 digest of the datafile. Specific for each dataset type. Returns ------- str Expected MD5 digest of the dataset file. """ raise NotImplementedError @property @abstractmethod def data_path(self): """URL of the data directory. Specific for each dataset type. Returns ------- str Path to the folder where dataset data is stored. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abstractmethod def load(self, val_size=0): """Load all images of the dataset. Each image is flattened. The first 1024 entries contain the red channel values, the next 1024 the green, and the final 1024 the blue. The image is stored in row-major order, so that the first 32 entries of the array are the red channel values of the first row of the image. Dtype of images is `uint8`. Dtype of labels is `int32`. Extra dataset attributes: - 'img_w', 'img_h': size of the images in pixels. - 'class_names': dictionary with the original name of each class. Parameters ---------- val_size : int, optional Size of the validation set. Default 0, so no validation dataset will be returned. Returns ------- training_set : CDataset Training set. test_set : CDataset Test set. validation_set : CDataset, optional Validation set. Returned only if val_size > 0. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _load(self, train_files, test_files, meta_file, labels_key, class_names_key, val_size=0): """Load all images of the dataset. Adapted from: Parameters ---------- train_files : list List of the files where the training set is stored. test_files : list List of the files where the test set is stored. meta_file : str Name of the metafile containing the class names. labels_key : bytes Dictionary key where the labels are stored. class_names_key : bytes Dictionary key where the class names are stored. val_size : int, optional Size of the validation set. Default 0, so no validation dataset will be returned. Returns ------- training_set : CDataset Training set. test_set : CDataset Test set. validation_set : CDataset, optional Validation set. Returned only if val_size > 0. """ "Loading {:} dataset from {:}...".format(self.class_type, self.data_path)) def load_files(batches_list): # Function that loads the data into memory data = None labels = None for batch in batches_list: with open(batch, 'rb') as bf: mydict = pickle.load(bf, encoding='bytes') # The labels have different names in the two datasets new_data = np.array(mydict[b'data'], dtype='uint8') newlabels = np.array(mydict[labels_key], dtype='int32') if data is not None: data = np.vstack([data, new_data]) labels = np.hstack([labels, newlabels]) else: data = new_data labels = newlabels return data, labels # Load training and test sets train_data, train_labels = load_files( [fm.join(self.data_path, f) for f in train_files]) test_data, test_labels = load_files( [fm.join(self.data_path, f) for f in test_files]) val_data = None val_labels = None # Populate the validation set if needed if val_size > 0: train_data, val_data = np.split( train_data, [train_data.shape[0] - val_size]) train_labels, val_labels = np.split( train_labels, [train_labels.shape[0] - val_size]) # Load the class names from the meta file class_names = self._load_class_names(meta_file, class_names_key) header = CDatasetHeader(img_w=32, img_h=32, class_names=class_names) tr = CDataset(train_data, train_labels, header=header) ts = CDataset(test_data, test_labels, header=header) # Return training set and test set for sure out_datasets = (tr, ts) if val_size > 0: val = CDataset(val_data, val_labels, header=header) # Also return the validation dataset out_datasets += (val, ) return out_datasets def _load_class_names(self, meta_file, class_names_key): """Load the names for the classes in the CIFAR dataset. Parameters ---------- meta_file : str Name of the metafile where the labels are stored. class_names_key : bytes Dictionary key where the labels are stored. Returns ---------- dict A dictionary with the label of each class. """ meta_file_url = fm.join(self.data_path, meta_file) # Load the class-names from the pickled file. with open(meta_file_url, 'rb') as mf: raw = pickle.load(mf, encoding='bytes')[class_names_key] # Convert from binary strings. names = {i: x.decode('utf-8') for i, x in enumerate(raw)} return names def _get_data(self, file_url, dl_folder, extract_only=False): """Download input datafile, unzip and store in output_path. Parameters ---------- file_url : str URL of the file to download. dl_folder : str Path to the folder where to store the downloaded file. extract_only : bool, optional If True, only extract data from the datafile. Default False. """ # Generate the full path to the downloaded file f = fm.join(dl_folder, self.data_url.split('/')[-1]) if extract_only is False: f_dl = dl_file(file_url, dl_folder, md5_digest=self.data_md5) if f != f_dl: raise ValueError("Unexpected filename {:}".format(f_dl)), mode='r:gz').extractall(dl_folder)
[docs]class CDataLoaderCIFAR10(CDataLoaderCIFAR): """Loads the CIFAR-10 tiny images dataset. The CIFAR-10 dataset consists of 60000 32x32 colour images in 10 classes, with 6000 images per class. There are 50000 training images and 10000 test images. Available at: Attributes ---------- class_type : 'CIFAR-10' """ __class_type = 'CIFAR-10' @property def data_url(self): """URL of the remote datafile. Returns ------- str URL of the remote datafile with dataset data. """ return CIFAR10_URL_PYTHON @property def data_md5(self): """MD5 digest of the datafile. Returns ------- str Expected MD5 digest of the dataset file. """ return CIFAR10_MD5 @property def data_path(self): """URL of the data directory. Returns ------- str Path to the folder where dataset data is stored. """ return CIFAR10_PATH
[docs] def load(self, val_size=0): """Load all images of the dataset.""" # The CIFAR-10 dataset has 5 different batches for train data # and one single batch for test data # The metafile is called `batches.meta` and the labels `labels` train_files = ['data_batch_' + str(i) for i in range(1, 6)] test_files = ['test_batch'] meta_file = 'batches.meta' labels_key = b'labels' class_names_key = b'label_names' return self._load(train_files, test_files, meta_file, labels_key, class_names_key, val_size)
load.__doc__ += CDataLoaderCIFAR.load.__doc__
[docs]class CDataLoaderCIFAR100(CDataLoaderCIFAR): """Loads the CIFAR-100 tiny images dataset. The CIFAR-100 dataset consists of 60000 32x32 colour images in 100 classes, containing 600 images each. There are 500 training images and 100 testing images per class. The 100 classes in the CIFAR-100 are grouped into 20 superclasses. Each image comes with a "fine" label (the class to which it belongs) and a "coarse" label (the superclass to which it belongs). Available at: Attributes ---------- class_type : 'CIFAR-100' """ __class_type = 'CIFAR-100' @property def data_url(self): """URL of the remote datafile. Returns ------- str URL of the remote datafile with dataset data. """ return CIFAR100_URL_PYTHON @property def data_md5(self): """MD5 digest of the datafile. Returns ------- str Expected MD5 digest of the dataset file. """ return CIFAR100_MD5 @property def data_path(self): """URL of the data directory. Returns ------- str Path to the folder where dataset data is stored. """ return CIFAR100_PATH
[docs] def load(self, val_size=0): """Load all images of the dataset.""" # The CIFAR-100 dataset has a single file for train/test # The metafile is called `meta` and the labels `fine_labels` train_files = ['train'] test_files = ['test'] meta_file = 'meta' labels_key = b'fine_labels' class_names_key = b'fine_label_names' return self._load(train_files, test_files, meta_file, labels_key, class_names_key, val_size)
load.__doc__ = CDataLoaderCIFAR.load.__doc__