Source code for

.. module:: DataLoaderImages-w-Folder
   :synopsis: Loader of an image dataset where clients are specified as different folders.

.. moduleauthor:: Marco Melis <>

from import CDataLoader
from import CDataset, CDatasetHeader
from secml.array import CArray
from secml.utils import fm
from secml.utils.dict_utils import load_dict

from PIL import Image
import re

[docs]class CDataLoaderImgFolders(CDataLoader): """Loads a dataset of images where clients are specified as different folders. Attributes ---------- class_type : 'img-folders' """ __class_type = 'img-folders' def __init__(self): # Does nothing... pass
[docs] def load(self, ds_path, img_format, label_re=None, label_dtype=None, load_data=True): """Load all images of specified format inside given path. The following custom CDataset attributes are available: - 'id': last `ds_path` folder. - 'img_w', 'img_h': size of the images in pixels. - 'img_c': images number of channels. - Any other custom attribute is retrieved from 'attributes.txt' file. Only attributes of `str` type are currently supported. Any other custom attribute is retrieved from 'attributes.txt' file. Parameters ---------- ds_path : str Full path to dataset folder. img_format : str Format of the files to load. label_re : re, optional Regular expression that identify the correct label. If None, the whole name of the leaf folder will be used as label. label_dtype : str or dtype, optional Datatype of the labels. If None, labels will be strings. load_data : bool, optional If True (default) features will be stored. Otherwise store the paths to the files with dtype=object. """ # Ensuring 'img_format' always has an extension-like pattern img_ext = '.' + img_format.strip('.').lower() # Dimensions of each image img_w = CArray([], dtype=int) img_h = CArray([], dtype=int) img_c = CArray([], dtype=int) # Each directory inside the provided path will be explored recursively # and, if leaf, contained images will be loaded patterns, labels, img_w, img_h, img_c = self._explore_dir( ds_path, img_w, img_h, img_c, img_ext, label_re=label_re, load_data=load_data) if label_dtype is not None: # Converting labels if requested labels = labels.astype(label_dtype) if patterns.shape[0] != labels.size: raise ValueError("patterns ({:}) and labels ({:}) do not have " "the same number of elements.".format( patterns.shape[0], labels.size)) # Load the file with extra dataset attributes (optional) attributes_path = fm.join(ds_path, 'attributes.txt') attributes = load_dict(attributes_path) if \ fm.file_exist(attributes_path) else dict()"Loaded {:} images from {:}...".format( patterns.shape[0], ds_path)) header = CDatasetHeader(id=fm.split(ds_path)[1], img_w=img_w, img_h=img_h, img_c=img_c, **attributes) return CDataset(patterns, labels, header=header)
def _explore_dir(self, dir_path, img_w, img_h, img_c, img_ext, label_re=None, load_data=True): """Explore input directory and load files if leaf.""" # Folders/files will be loaded in alphabetical order items_list = sorted(fm.listdir(dir_path)) # A leaf folder is a folder with only files in it leaf = not any(fm.folder_exist( fm.join(dir_path, item)) for item in items_list) if leaf is True: # Leaf directory, time to load files! return self._load_files( dir_path, img_w, img_h, img_c, img_ext, label_re=label_re, load_data=load_data) # Placeholder for patterns/labels CArray patterns = None labels = None for subdir in items_list: subdir_path = fm.join(dir_path, subdir) # Only consider folders (there could be also files) if not fm.folder_exist(subdir_path): continue # Explore next subfolder patterns_new, labels_new, img_w, img_h, img_c = self._explore_dir( subdir_path, img_w, img_h, img_c, img_ext, label_re=label_re, load_data=load_data) patterns = patterns.append(patterns_new, axis=0) \ if patterns is not None else patterns_new labels = labels.append(labels_new) \ if labels is not None else labels_new return patterns, labels, img_w, img_h, img_c def _load_files(self, dir_path, img_w, img_h, img_c, img_ext, label_re=None, load_data=True): """Loads any file with given extension inside input folder.""" # Folders/files will be loaded in alphabetical order files_list = sorted(fm.listdir(dir_path)) # Placeholder for patterns/labels CArray patterns = None labels = None for file_name in files_list: # Full path to image file file_path = fm.join(dir_path, file_name) # Load only files of the specified format if fm.splitext(file_name)[1].lower() == img_ext: # Opening image in lazy mode (to verify dimensions etc.) img = # Storing image dimensions... img_w = img_w.append(img.width) img_h = img_h.append(img.height) img_c = img_c.append(len(img.getbands())) # If load_data is True, store features, else store path if load_data is True: # Storing image as a 2D CArray array_img = CArray(img.getdata()).ravel().atleast_2d() else: array_img = CArray([[file_path]]) # Creating the 2D array patterns x features patterns = patterns.append( array_img, axis=0) if patterns is not None else array_img # Consider only the directory name to set the label dir_name = fm.split(dir_path)[1] # label is the image's containing folder name or the re result c_id = dir_name if label_re is None \ else, dir_name).group(0) labels = labels.append(c_id) if labels is not None \ else CArray(c_id) self.logger.debug("{:} has been loaded..." "".format(fm.join(dir_path, file_name))) return patterns, labels, img_w, img_h, img_c