Source code for

.. module:: CClassifierLinear
   :synopsis: Interface and common functions for linear classification

.. moduleauthor:: Marco Melis <>
.. moduleauthor:: Ambra Demontis <>
.. moduleauthor:: Battista Biggio <>

from abc import abstractmethod

from secml.array import CArray

[docs]class CClassifierLinearMixin: """Mixin class that defines basic methods for linear classifiers. A linear classifier assigns a label (class) to new patterns computing the inner product between the patterns and a vector of weights for each training set feature. This interface defines the weight and bias, and the forward and backward functions for linear classifiers. """ @property @abstractmethod def w(self): """Vector with feature weights (dense or sparse).""" raise NotImplementedError() @property @abstractmethod def b(self): """Bias term.""" raise NotImplementedError() def _forward(self, x): """Compute scores proportionally to the distance to the hyperplane as w'x + b. Parameters ---------- x : CArray Input samples given as matrix with shape=(n_samples, n_features). Returns ------- score : CArray Value of the decision function for each sample, given as a matrix with shape=(n_samples, n_classes). """ score = CArray( + self.b scores = CArray.ones(shape=(x.shape[0], 2)) scores[:, 0] = -score.ravel().T scores[:, 1] = score.ravel().T return scores def _backward(self, w): """Computes the gradient of the linear classifier's decision function wrt decision function input. For linear classifiers, the gradient wrt input is equal to the weights vector w. The point x can be in fact ignored. Parameters ---------- w : CArray The vector to be pre-multiplied (reverse mode diff) Returns ------- gradient : CArray The gradient of the linear classifier's decision function wrt decision function input. Vector-like array. """ # Gradient sign depends on input label (0/1) if w is not None: return w[0] * -self.w + w[1] * self.w else: raise ValueError("w cannot be set as None.")