Source code for

.. module:: CLossSquare
   :synopsis: Squared Loss Functions

.. moduleauthor:: Marco Melis <>
.. moduleauthor:: Ambra Demontis <>

from import CLossRegression, CLossClassification
from import _check_binary_score
from import convert_binary_labels

[docs]class CLossSquare(CLossClassification): """Square Loss Function. The square loss is defined as: .. math:: L_\\text{Square}(y, s) = \\left( 1 - sy \\right) Attributes ---------- class_type : 'square' suitable_for : 'classification' """ __class_type = 'square'
[docs] def loss(self, y_true, score, pos_label=1): """Computes the value of the squared epsilon-insensitive loss function. Parameters ---------- y_true : CArray Ground truth (correct), targets. Vector-like array. score : CArray Outputs (predicted), targets. 2-D array of shape (n_samples, n_classes) or 1-D flat array of shape (n_samples,). If 1-D array, the probabilities provided are assumed to be that of the positive class. pos_label : {0, 1}, optional The class wrt compute the loss function. Default 1. If `score` is a 1-D flat array, this parameter is ignored. Returns ------- CArray Loss function. Vector-like array. """ if pos_label not in (0, 1): raise ValueError("only {0, 1} are accepted for `pos_label`") y_true = convert_binary_labels(y_true).ravel() # Convert to {-1, 1} score = _check_binary_score(score, pos_label) return (1.0 - y_true * score) ** 2
[docs] def dloss(self, y_true, score, pos_label=1): """Computes the derivative of the square loss function with respect to `score`. Parameters ---------- y_true : CArray Ground truth (correct), targets. Vector-like array. score : CArray Outputs (predicted), targets. 2-D array of shape (n_samples, n_classes) or 1-D flat array of shape (n_samples,). If 1-D array, the probabilities provided are assumed to be that of the positive class. pos_label : {0, 1}, optional The class wrt compute the loss function derivative. Default 1. If `score` is a 1-D flat array, this parameter is ignored. Returns ------- CArray Derivative of the loss function. Vector-like array. """ if pos_label not in (0, 1): raise ValueError("only {0, 1} are accepted for `pos_label`") y_true = convert_binary_labels(y_true).ravel() # Convert to {-1, 1} score = _check_binary_score(score, pos_label) return -2.0 * y_true * (1.0 - y_true * score)
[docs]class CLossQuadratic(CLossRegression): """Quadratic Loss Function (Ordinary Least Squares). The quadratic loss is defined as: .. math:: L_\\text{Quadratic} (y, s) = \\frac{1}{2} {\\left( s - y \\right)}^2 Attributes ---------- class_type : 'quadratic' suitable_for : 'regression' """ __class_type = 'quadratic'
[docs] def loss(self, y_true, score): """Computes the value of the quadratic loss function. Parameters ---------- y_true : CArray Ground truth (correct), targets. Vector-like array. score : CArray Outputs (predicted), targets. Vector-like array of shape (n_samples,). Returns ------- CArray Loss function. Vector-like array. """ if score.is_vector_like is False: raise ValueError("only a vector-like `score` array is supported.") # Ensure we work with vector-like arrays y_true = y_true.ravel() score = score.ravel() return 0.5 * ((score - y_true) ** 2)
[docs] def dloss(self, y_true, score): """Computes the derivative of the quadratic loss function with respect to `score`. Parameters ---------- y_true : CArray Ground truth (correct), targets. Vector-like array. score : CArray Outputs (predicted), targets. Vector-like array of shape (n_samples,). Returns ------- CArray Derivative of the loss function. Vector-like array. """ if score.is_vector_like is False: raise ValueError("only a vector-like `score` array is supported.") # Ensure we work with vector-like arrays y_true = y_true.ravel() score = score.ravel() return score - y_true