Source code for

.. module:: CClassifierMulticlassOVO
   :synopsis: One-Vs-One multiclass classifier

.. moduleauthor:: Giorgio Piras <>
.. moduleauthor:: Marco Melis <>

from itertools import combinations

from import CClassifierMulticlass
from import CClassifierGradientMixin
from secml.array import CArray
from import CDataset
from secml.parallel import parfor2

def _fit_one_ovo(bin_clf_idx, multi_ovo, dataset, verbose):
    """Fit the OVO classifier given an index.

    This method fits a one-vs-one classifier wrt the
    positive and negative labels taken from the list
    clf_pair_idx at the index bin_clf_idx.

    bin_clf_idx : int
        Index of the binary classifier
    multi_ovo : CClassifierMulticlassOVO
        Instance of the multiclass OVO classifier.
    dataset : CDataset
        Training set. Must be a :class:`.CDataset` instance with
        patterns data and corresponding labels.
    verbose : int
        Verbosity level of the logger.

    # Resetting verbosity level. This is needed as objects
    # change id  when passed to subprocesses and our logging
    # level is stored per-object looking to id
    multi_ovo.verbose = verbose

    # Take the classes indices
    tr_class_idx = multi_ovo._clf_pair_idx[bin_clf_idx][0]
    vs_class_idx = multi_ovo._clf_pair_idx[bin_clf_idx][1]
        "Training class {:} against class: {:}".format(
            tr_class_idx, vs_class_idx))

    # Create the training dataset
    train_ds = multi_ovo.binarize_subset(tr_class_idx, vs_class_idx, dataset)

    # Extracting the internal classifier
    classifier_instance = multi_ovo._binary_classifiers[bin_clf_idx]
    # Setting verbosity level
    classifier_instance.verbose = multi_ovo.verbose
    # Training the one-vs-ne classifier, train_ds.Y)

    return classifier_instance

def _forward_one_ovo(clf_idx, multi_ovo, test_x, verbose):
    """Perform forward on an OVO classifier.

    clf_idx : int
        Index of the OVO classifier.
    multi_ovo : CClassifierMulticlassOVO
        Instance of the multiclass OVO classifier.
    test_x : CArray
        Test data as 2D CArray.
    verbose : int
        Verbosity level of the logger.

    # Resetting verbosity level. This is needed as objects
    # change id  when passed to subprocesses and our logging
    # level is stored per-object looking to id
    multi_ovo.verbose = verbose
        "Forward for classes: {:}".format(multi_ovo._clf_pair_idx[clf_idx]))

    # Perform forward on data for current class classifier
    return multi_ovo._binary_classifiers[clf_idx].forward(test_x)

[docs]class CClassifierMulticlassOVO(CClassifierMulticlass, CClassifierGradientMixin): """OVO (One-Vs-One) Multiclass Classifier. Parameters ---------- classifier : unbound class Unbound (not initialized) CClassifier subclass. kwargs : any Any other construction parameter for each OVA classifier. Attributes ---------- class_type : 'ovo' """ __class_type = 'ovo' def __init__(self, classifier, preprocess=None, **clf_params): super(CClassifierMulticlassOVO, self).__init__( classifier=classifier, preprocess=preprocess, **clf_params ) # List with the binary classifiers classes pairs self._clf_pair_idx = None @property def clf_pair_idx(self): """List with the binary classifiers' classes (indices) pairs.""" return self._clf_pair_idx def _fit(self, x, y): """Trains the classifier. All the One-Vs-One classifier are trained for each dataset class. Parameters ---------- x : CArray Array to be used for training with shape (n_samples, n_features). y : CArray Array of shape (n_samples,) containing the class labels. Returns ------- trained_cls : CClassifierMulticlassOVO Instance of the classifier trained using input dataset. """ # Number of unique classes n_classes = y.unique().size # Number of classifiers to be trained ovo_clf_number = int((n_classes * (n_classes - 1)) / 2) # Preparing the binary classifiers self.prepare(ovo_clf_number) # Preparing the list of binary classifiers indices self._clf_pair_idx = list(combinations(range(n_classes), 2)) # Fit a one-vs-one classifier # Use the specified number of workers self._binary_classifiers = parfor2(_fit_one_ovo, self.num_classifiers, self.n_jobs, self, CDataset(x, y), self.verbose) return self
[docs] @staticmethod def binarize_subset(tr_class_idx, vs_class_idx, dataset): """Returns the binary dataset tr_class_idx vs vs_class_idx. Parameters ---------- tr_class_idx : int Index of the target class. vs_class_idx: int Index of the opposing class. dataset : CDataset Dataset from which the subset should be extracted. Returns ------- bin_subset : CDataset Binarized subset. """ tr_class = dataset.classes[tr_class_idx] vs_class = dataset.classes[vs_class_idx] tr_idx = dataset.Y.find(dataset.Y == tr_class) vs_idx = dataset.Y.find(dataset.Y == vs_class) subset = dataset[tr_idx + vs_idx, :] # Using get_labels_ovr to avoid redundant functions return CDataset( subset.X, subset.get_labels_ovr(tr_class), header=dataset.header)
[docs] @staticmethod def binarize_dataset(class_idx, dataset): """Returns the dataset needed by the class_idx binary classifier. Parameters ---------- class_idx : int Index of the target class. dataset : CDataset Dataset to binarize. Returns ------- bin_dataset : CDataset Binarized dataset. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _forward(self, x): """Computes the decision function for each pattern in x. To evaluate correctly, scores are also taken from the negative classes in each binary classifier. Parameters ---------- x : CArray Array with new patterns to classify, 2-Dimensional of shape (n_patterns, n_features). Returns ------- score : CArray Value of the decision function for each test pattern. Dense flat array of shape (n_samples,) if y is not None, otherwise a (n_samples, n_classes) array. """ scores = CArray.zeros(shape=(x.shape[0], self.n_classes)) # Discriminant function is now called for each different class res = parfor2(_forward_one_ovo, self.num_classifiers, self.n_jobs, self, x, self.verbose) # Building results array for i in range(self.num_classifiers): # Adjusting the scores for the OVO scheme idx0 = self._clf_pair_idx[i][0] idx1 = self._clf_pair_idx[i][1] scores[:, idx0] += res[i][:, 1] scores[:, idx1] += res[i][:, 0] return scores / (self.n_classes - 1) def _backward(self, w): """Implement gradient of decision function wrt x.""" if w is None: raise ValueError('Pre-multiplying vector w cannot be None.') grad = None # To accumulate grads for i in range(self.num_classifiers): # TODO parfor # Taking the scores idx0 = self._clf_pair_idx[i][0] idx1 = self._clf_pair_idx[i][1] w_pos = CArray([1, 0]) grad_pos = w[idx0] * \ self._binary_classifiers[i].gradient(self._cached_x, w_pos) w_neg = CArray([0, 1]) grad_neg = w[idx1] * \ self._binary_classifiers[i].gradient(self._cached_x, w_neg) # Adjusting the scores for the OVO scheme grad = grad_pos if grad is None else grad + grad_pos grad += grad_neg # A trade-off between the two classes return -grad / (self.n_classes - 1)