Source code for

.. py:module:: CKernelRBF
   :synopsis: Radial basis function (RBF) kernel

.. moduleauthor:: Battista Biggio <>
.. moduleauthor:: Marco Melis <>

from sklearn import metrics

from secml.array import CArray
from import CKernel

[docs]class CKernelRBF(CKernel): """Radial basis function (RBF) kernel. Given matrices X and RV, this is computed by:: K(x, rv) = exp(-gamma ||x-rv||^2) for each pair of rows in X and in RV. Parameters ---------- gamma : float Default is 1.0. Equals to `-0.5 * sigma^-2` in the standard formulation of rbf kernel, it is a free parameter to be used for balancing. preprocess : CModule or None, optional Features preprocess to be applied to input data. Can be a CModule subclass. If None, input data is used as is. Attributes ---------- class_type : 'rbf' Examples -------- >>> from secml.array import CArray >>> from import CKernelRBF >>> print(CKernelRBF(gamma=0.001).k(CArray([[1,2],[3,4]]), CArray([[10,20],[30,40]]))) CArray([[0.666977 0.101774] [0.737123 0.131994]]) >>> print(CKernelRBF().k(CArray([[1,2],[3,4]]))) CArray([[1.000000e+00 3.354626e-04] [3.354626e-04 1.000000e+00]]) """ __class_type = 'rbf' def __init__(self, gamma=1.0, preprocess=None): # Using a float gamma to avoid dtype casting problems self.gamma = gamma super(CKernelRBF, self).__init__(preprocess=preprocess) @property def _grad_requires_forward(self): """Returns True as kernel is cached in the forward pass and then used by backward when computing the gradient.""" return True @property def gamma(self): """Gamma parameter.""" return self._gamma @gamma.setter def gamma(self, gamma): """Sets gamma parameter. Parameters ---------- gamma : float Equals to `-0.5*sigma^-2` in the standard formulation of rbf kernel, is a free parameter to be used for balancing the computed metric. """ self._gamma = float(gamma) def _forward(self, x): """Compute the rbf (gaussian) kernel between x and cached rv. Parameters ---------- x : CArray or array_like Array of shape (n_x, n_features). Returns ------- kernel : CArray Kernel between x and cached reference_samples, shape (n_x, n_rv). """ k = CArray(metrics.pairwise.rbf_kernel( CArray(x).get_data(), CArray(self._rv).get_data(), self.gamma)) self._cached_kernel = None if self._cached_x is None else k return k def _backward(self, w=None): """Calculate RBF kernel gradient wrt cached vector 'x'. The gradient of RBF kernel is given by:: dK(rv,x)/dx = 2 * gamma * k(rv,x) * (rv - x) Parameters ---------- w : CArray of shape (1, n_rv) or None if CArray, it is pre-multiplied to the gradient of the module, as in standard reverse-mode autodiff. Returns ------- kernel_gradient : CArray Kernel gradient of rv with respect to vector x, shape (n_rv, n_features) if n_rv > 1 and w is None, else (1, n_features). """ # Checking if cached x is a vector if not self._cached_x.is_vector_like: raise ValueError( "kernel gradient can be computed only wrt vector-like arrays.") if self._rv is None or self._cached_kernel is None: raise ValueError("Please run forward with caching=True first.") # Format of output array should be the same as cached x self._rv = self._rv.tosparse() if self._cached_x.issparse \ else self._rv.todense() k_grad = self._cached_kernel.T if w is not None: c = w.T * k_grad return CArray(2 * self.gamma * ( - c.sum() * self._cached_x)) else: diff = (self._rv - self._cached_x) # Casting the kernel to sparse if needed for efficient broadcasting if diff.issparse is True: k_grad = k_grad.tosparse() grad = CArray(2 * self.gamma * diff * k_grad) return grad if w is None else