Source code for

.. module:: CROC
   :synopsis: Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve

.. moduleauthor:: Marco Melis <>
.. moduleauthor:: Ambra Demontis <>

from secml.array import CArray

[docs]def refine_roc(fpr, tpr, th): """Function to ensure the bounds of a ROC. The first and last points should be (0,0) and (1,1) respectively. Parameters ---------- fpr : CArray False Positive Rates, as returned by `.BaseRoc.compute()`. tpr : CArray True Positive Rates, as returned by `.BaseRoc.compute()`. th : CArray Thresholds, as returned by `.BaseRoc.compute()`. """ if tpr[0] != fpr[0] or tpr[0] != 0 or fpr[0] != 0: fpr = CArray(0).append(fpr) tpr = CArray(0).append(tpr) th = CArray(th[0] + 1e-3).append(th) if tpr[-1] != fpr[-1] or tpr[-1] != 1 or fpr[-1] != 1: fpr = fpr.append(1) tpr = tpr.append(1) th = th.append(th[-1] - 1e-3) return fpr, tpr, th
[docs]def average(fpr, tpr, n_points=1000): """Compute the average of the input tpr/fpr pairs. Parameters ---------- fpr, tpr : CArray or list of CArray CArray or list of CArrays with False/True Positive Rates as output of `.CRoc`. n_points : int, optional Default 1000, is the number of points to be used for interpolation. Returns ------- mean_fpr : CArray Flat array with increasing False Positive Rates averaged over all available repetitions. Element i is the False Positive Rate of predictions with score >= thresholds[i]. mean_tpr : CArray Flat array with increasing True Positive Rates averaged over all available repetitions. Element i is the True Positive Rate of predictions with score >= thresholds[i]. std_dev_tpr : CArray Flat array with standard deviation of True Positive Rates. """ # Working with lists fpr_list = [fpr] if not isinstance(fpr, list) else fpr tpr_list = [tpr] if not isinstance(tpr, list) else tpr n_fpr = len(fpr_list) n_tpr = len(tpr_list) # Checking consistency between input data if n_fpr == 0: raise ValueError("At least 1 array with false/true " "positives must be specified.") if n_fpr != n_tpr: raise ValueError("Number of True Positive Rates and " "False Positive Rates must be the same.") # Computing ROC for a single (labels, scores) pair mean_fpr = CArray.linspace(0, 1, n_points) mean_tpr = 0.0 all_roc_tpr = CArray.zeros(shape=(n_tpr, n_points)) for i, data_i in enumerate(zip(fpr_list, tpr_list)): # Interpolating over 'x' axis i_tpr = mean_fpr.interp(*data_i) # Will be used later to compute std all_roc_tpr[i, :] = i_tpr # Adding current tpr to mean_tpr mean_tpr += i_tpr mean_tpr[0] = 0.0 # First should be (0,0) to prevent side effects mean_tpr /= n_tpr mean_tpr[-1] = 1.0 # Last point should be (1,1) to prevent side effects # Computing standard deviation std_dev_tpr = all_roc_tpr.std(axis=0, keepdims=False) std_dev_tpr[-1] = 0 return mean_fpr, mean_tpr, std_dev_tpr
[docs]class CBaseRoc: """Computes the receiver operating characteristic curve, or ROC curve. This base class manage a single classifier output (a single repetition). See Also -------- .CRoc : class that fully supports ROC repetitions. """ def __init__(self): self._fpr = None self._tpr = None self._th = None @property def fpr(self): """False Positive Rates. Flat array with increasing False Positive Rates. Element i is the False Positive Rate of predictions with score >= thresholds[i]. """ return self._fpr @property def tpr(self): """True Positive Rates. Flat array with increasing True Positive Rates. Element i is the True Positive Rate of predictions with score >= thresholds[i]. """ return self._tpr @property def th(self): """Thresholds. Flat array with decreasing thresholds on the decision function used to compute fpr and tpr. `thresholds[0]` represents no instances being predicted and is arbitrarily set to `max(score) + 1e-3`. """ return self._th
[docs] def compute(self, y_true, score, positive_label=None): """Compute TPR/FPR for classifier output. Parameters ---------- y_true : CArray Flat array with true binary labels in range {0, 1} for each patterns or a single array. If labels are not binary, pos_label should be explicitly given. score : CArray Flat array with target scores for each pattern, can either be probability estimates of the positive class or confidence values. positive_label : int, optional Label to consider as positive (others are considered negative). Returns ------- single_roc : CBaseRoc Instance of the roc curve (tpr, fpr, th). """ th = score.unique() # unique also sorts the values n = CArray(score[y_true == 0]) p = CArray(score[y_true == 1]) # Counting the fpr and the tpr fp_list = [] tp_list = [] for i in range(th.size): fp_i = (n >= th[i]).sum() if n.size != 0 else 0 tp_i = (p >= th[i]).sum() if p.size != 0 else 0 fp_list.append(fp_i) tp_list.append(tp_i) # Returning increasing fpr, tpr... fp_list.reverse() tp_list.reverse() # ...and th accordingly (decreasing) th = CArray(th[::-1]) # Normalizing in 0-1 fpr = CArray(fp_list) / n.size if n.size != 0 else CArray([0]) tpr = CArray(tp_list) / p.size if p.size != 0 else CArray([0]) # Ensure first and last points are (0,0) and (1,1) respectively self._fpr, self._tpr, self._th = refine_roc(fpr, tpr, th) return self
def __iter__(self): """Returns `fpr`, `tpr`, `th` always in this order.""" seq = ('fpr', 'tpr', 'th') # Fixed order for consistency for e in seq: yield getattr(self, e)
[docs] def reset(self): """Reset stored data.""" self._fpr = None self._tpr = None self._th = None
[docs]class CRoc(CBaseRoc): """Computes the receiver operating characteristic curve, or ROC curve. "A receiver operating characteristic (ROC), or simply ROC curve, is a graphical plot which illustrates the performance of a binary classifier system as its discrimination threshold is varied. It is created by plotting the fraction of True Positive Rates out of the Positives (TPR = True Positive Rate) vs. the fraction of False Positives out of the Negatives (FPR = False Positive Rate), at various threshold settings. TPR is also known as sensitivity, and FPR is one minus the specificity or true negative rate." The class manage different repetitions of the same classification output. """ def __init__(self): # Calling superclass constructor super(CRoc, self).__init__() # Output structures self._data = [] self._data_average = CBaseRoc() self._std_dev_tpr = None @property def fpr(self): """False Positive Rates. Flat array with increasing False Positive Rates or a list with one array for each repetition. Element i is the False Positive Rate of predictions with score >= thresholds[i]. """ # This returns a list or a single arrays if one rep is available fpr = list(map(list, zip(*self._data)))[0] return fpr[0] if len(fpr) == 1 else fpr @property def tpr(self): """True Positive Rates. Flat array with increasing True Positive Rates or a list with one array for each repetition. Element i is the True Positive Rate of predictions with score >= thresholds[i]. """ # This returns a list or a single arrays if one rep is available tpr = list(map(list, zip(*self._data)))[1] return tpr[0] if len(tpr) == 1 else tpr @property def th(self): """Thresholds. Flat array with decreasing thresholds on the decision function used to compute fpr and tpr or a list with one array for each repetition. `thresholds[0]` represents no instances being predicted and is arbitrarily set to `max(score) + 1e-3`. """ # This returns a list or a single arrays if one rep is available th = list(map(list, zip(*self._data)))[2] return th[0] if len(th) == 1 else th @property def n_reps(self): """Return the number of computed ROC.""" return len(self._data) @property def has_mean(self): """True if average has been computed for all ROCs.""" return False if self.mean_fpr is None or self.mean_tpr is None else True @property def has_std_dev(self): """True if standard deviation has been computed for all ROCs.""" return False if self._std_dev_tpr is None else True @property def mean_fpr(self): """Averaged False Positive Rates. Flat array with increasing False Positive Rates averaged over all available repetitions. Element i is the false positive rate of predictions with score >= thresholds[i]. """ return self._data_average.fpr @property def mean_tpr(self): """Averaged True Positive Rates. Flat array with increasing True Positive Rates averaged over all available repetitions. Element i is the True Positive Rate of predictions with score >= thresholds[i]. """ return self._data_average.tpr @property def std_dev_tpr(self): """Standard deviation of True Positive Rates.""" return self._std_dev_tpr
[docs] def compute(self, y_true, score, positive_label=None): """Compute ROC curve using input True labels and Classification Scores. For multi-class data, label to be considered positive should specified. If `y_true` and `score` are both lists (with same length), one roc curve for each pair is returned. If `y_true` is a single array, one roc curve for each (y_true, score[i]) is returned. Each time the function is called, result is appended to `tpr`,`fpr`, and `thr` class attributes. Returned ROCs are the only associated with LATEST input data. Parameters ---------- y_true : CArray, list List of flat arrays with true binary labels in range {0, 1} for each patterns or a single array. If a single array, one curve is returned for each (y_true, score[i]) pair. If labels are not binary, pos_label should be explicitly given. score : CArray, list List of flat array with target scores for each pattern, can either be probability estimates of the positive class or confidence values. If `y_true` is a single array, one curve is returned for each (y_true, score[i]) pair. positive_label : int, optional Label to consider as positive (others are considered negative). Returns ------- fpr : CArray or list Flat array with increasing False Positive Rates or a list with one array for each repetition. Element i is the False Positive Rate of predictions with score >= thresholds[i] tpr : CArray or list Flat array with increasing True Positive Rates or a list with one array for each repetition. Element i is the True Positive Rate of predictions with score >= thresholds[i]. th : CArray or list Flat array with decreasing thresholds on the decision function used to compute fpr and tpr or a list with one array for each repetition. `thresholds[0]` represents no instances being predicted and is arbitrarily set to `max(score) + 1e-3`. """ # Working with lists y_true_list = [y_true] if not isinstance(y_true, list) else y_true score_list = [score] if not isinstance(score, list) else score n_ytrue = len(y_true_list) n_score = len(score_list) # Checking consistency between input data if n_score == 0: raise ValueError("At least 1 array with classification " "scores must be specified.") if n_ytrue != n_score and n_ytrue + n_score != n_score + 1: raise ValueError("Either 1 or {:} labels arrays should " "be specified.".format(n_score)) # Resetting any computed average ROC self._data_average.reset() self._std_dev_tpr = None if n_ytrue == 1: # Use the same true labels vs all scores for score_idx in range(n_score): rep = CBaseRoc().compute(y_true_list[0], score_list[score_idx], positive_label) # Storing result as a new repetition for ROC self._data.append(rep) else: # Use each true labels vs corresponding scores for score_idx in range(n_score): rep = CBaseRoc().compute(y_true_list[score_idx], score_list[score_idx], positive_label) # Storing result as a new repetition for ROC self._data.append(rep) out = [] # Some hardcore python next: this returns 3 separate lists # (fpr, tpr, thr) or 3 single arrays if one repetition is available for e in map(list, zip(*self._data[-n_score:])): out.append(e[0] if len(e) == 1 else e) return tuple(out)
[docs] def average(self, n_points=1000, return_std=False): """Compute the average of computed ROC curves. The average ROC is reset each time `.compute_roc` is called. Parameters ---------- n_points : int, optional Default 1000, is the number of points to be used for interpolation. return_std : bool, optional If True, standard deviation of True Positive Rates will be returned. Returns ------- mean_fpr : CArray Flat array with increasing False Positive Rates averaged over all available repetitions. Element i is the false positive rate of predictions with score >= thresholds[i]. mean_tpr : CArray Flat array with increasing True Positive Rates averaged over all available repetitions. Element i is the true positive rate of predictions with score >= thresholds[i]. std_dev_tpr : CArray Flat array with standard deviation of True Positive Rates. Only if return_std is True. """ mean_fpr, mean_tpr, std_dev_tpr = average( self.fpr, self.tpr, n_points=n_points) # Assigning final data self._data_average._fpr = mean_fpr self._data_average._tpr = mean_tpr self._std_dev_tpr = std_dev_tpr out = tuple(self._data_average)[0:2] if return_std is True: # Return standard deviation if needed out += (self._std_dev_tpr,) return out